Thursday, September 28, 2006

Islam should not pass of faith as fact

Friday, September 15, 2006
Islam should not pass off faith as fact
It is interesting that Islam not just states what it declares are facts, but requires Muslims to believe in them. This is very sensible of Islam, because many things cannot directly be proved as facts to everyone. Life after death (as stated by Islam) has not yet occurred. Islam says it will occur and till then all we have to prove that it will occur is faith. If we are very deep in our faith, then it becomes as good as a fact for us.
Why Islam calls for faith in what it says (about, for instance, life after death) is that thereby, by turning it into a fact for the faithful, it can have the necessary effect on the faithful that Islam wants.
Science, on the other hand, does not call for any faith - at best it requires the scientist to be patient and await the results of tests which it says would prove such and such a thing.
What I find disconcerting is that in Islam the faithful are trying to pass off as facts that which are merely in the realm of faith. Faith is something that concerns the individual. This Hinduism appears to have understood and that is why its religious culture is individualistic in nature.
My contention is that Islam should be propagated without trying to pass off faith as fact.
9:07:19 AM
Posted By VenuGopal Comment (2) Musings

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