Monday, September 24, 2007

Reply to a virulent anti Ram blog

Monday, September 24, 2007
This blog is in response to the following virulent anti Ram and Ram Bhakth blog:

1. Even if for argument sake I accept that the BJP is exploiting the Hindus for the sake of votes, I ask you - is there any other political formation that speaks for the Hindus? So my position is I would rather be ruled by an imperfect party supporting the Hindus rather than a perfect anti-Hindu party.

2. You talk about Ram being better-off before he was monopolized by Hindutva Jehadis. But you forget that the Hindus became weak a thousand years ago when the Muslims and then the British colonized India. The Hindus began regaining strength again only through movements of Sanyasis from the 19th century onwards, culminating in our independence and the betrayal of the Muslims in the formation of Pakistan. What we see now is a reassertion of the Hindus and Ram has become a symbol of this reassertion. It is only the anti-Hindus who insult Ram. Hindus are ready to protect Rama’s legacy.

3. Though many places in Ayodhya is claimed to be the birth place of Rama, consequent to the Ramjanmabhoomi movement, the Hindus have absolutely no doubt where exactly Rama’s birth place is.

4. Your perverted mind is displayed when you associate Ram with Jehadi and again with Sonia Gandhi. Jehadi and Sonia Gandhi are foreign, but not Ram, notwithstanding his claimed birth/death place in Ukraine. This is the same situation as the many so-called birth places in Ayodhya itself.

5. You talk of a Ram who cut off a Shudra’s head. What about a Ram who cut off a Brahmin’s head (Ravana’s)? And if you say Ram had reason to cut-off Ravana’s head because Ravana had kidnapped his wife, then he might also have had reason in the Shudra’s case because the Shudra wanted no less than to conquer ‘Devlok’. Rama may have seen the Raksha in such a person who was nurturing a wish to kill celestial beings.

6. About Ram being unable to protect his queen, it only shows the mighty evil that Ravana was, who dared to kidnap even a King’s wife. If Rama had not taken avatar, Hinduism may have disappeared then itself. If Rama exiled his queen, he was only showing how a King had to clear the erroneous notions of his subjects even at the cost of paying a personal price for it.

7. When you ask which Ram is the God of Hindus, be assured that it is the Ram, one and only Ram, who has an eternal place in the hearts of the Hindus, who is a God of the Hindus.

8. About Ram being an Imam e Hind, it is the opinion of a Muslim poet. At least to that extent the Muslim poet has acknowledged Ram existed.

9. Anyone, including Karunanidhi, has the right to ask who Ram is. No doubt they will be educated on the subject in due course of time.

10. About imposing Ram on all Indians, that is the Semitic creed, to impose their only true God on all mankind. Hindus do not impose any God and hence we live and let live with all the 33 crores gods we have.

11:12:16 PM
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Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Divali holiday to be withdrawn?

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Now that Sonia Gandhi’s UPA Government has said that there is no historical proof that Ram and his contemporaries ever existed, we await the government’s withdrawing its holiday on Deepavali till authoritative proof is provided that Ram was not just a fig of the Hindu’s imagination.
10:21:55 AM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Monday, September 10, 2007

Mohammad's Progress.

Monday, September 10, 2007

[I got the following from the Net. This outline biography, backed by the Quran, raises serious theological questions about sherk (raising partners with Allah) and whether Mohammad was the author of the Quran or at least interpolated as he wished.]

A biography of Prophet Mohammad reconstructed from ayats of Quran.

He started his career in Mecca with the rank of a Slave.
2.23 We reveal verses unto our slave Muhammad. His duties were just to warn people.
25.1 He is a warner to the peoples.

He didn't even know if God intended to put him in hell or heaven.
46.9 I do not know what will be done with me I am just an ordinary warner.

He had no power or charge over the people.
17.54 We, have not sent thee to take charge of them.

98.2 I am messenger/prophet from Allah.

6.92 And this (the Qur'an) is a blessed Book which We have sent down, confirming (the revelations) which came before it, so that you may warn the Mother of Towns (i.e. Makkah) and those around it.
42.7 We sent by inspiration to thee so that you warn the Mother of Cities (Mecca) and those around her.

36.6 In order that you may warn a people whose forefathers were not warned, so they are heedless.
14.4 (Hilali / Khan) We sent not a Messenger except with the language of his people, in order that he might make (the Message) clear for them.
44.58 We have made this Koran easy for thee in thine own tongue, that they may take the warning.
41.44 And if We had made it a Quran in a foreign tongue, they would certainly have said: Why have not its communications been made clear? What! A foreign tongue?(for us Arabs?)

25.001: Blessed is He Who sent down the Quran upon His servant that he may be a warner to all the nations.
21.107 We have sent you as mercy unto all creatures.
In his new position it became mandatory for all to make Mohammad their judge in all disputes.
4.65 By the Lord, they can have no Faith, until they make thee judge in all disputes between them.

33.40 He is the "Seal of the Prophets". Seal of Prophets had additional perks of getting the top facilities in paradise.
17.79 (Hilali,Khan) Your Lord will raise you to Maqaman Mahmuda (a station of praise and glory, i.e. the highest degree in Paradise!).

As " Associate Allah", Mohammad’s orders were made at par with Allah's orders and both their names came side by side in decision making as well as authority to be obeyed.
3.32,4.13,59,69,5.92,8.1,20,46,9.71,24,47,51,52,54,56,33.33,47.33,49.14,58.13,64.12 "Obey Allah and obey Mohammed"
33.036: It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger to have any option about their decision: if any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a clearly wrong Path.

Finally Allah decided to step down and give total authority to Mohammad.
4.80 Obeying Mohammed is obeying Allah. Giving a pledge to Mohammad became giving a pledge to Allah. 48:10 Verily, those who give pledge to you (O Muhammad) they are giving pledge to Allâh.

33.56 (Hilali/Khan) Allah sends His Salat (prayers) and salutes to the Prophet (Muhammad SAW).

8:45:55 PM
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Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Leftists - If not fear of God, then fear of BJP!

Monday, August 20, 2007
The irony cannot be missed. The left parties, particularly the Marxists, do not have the fear of God as they do not believe in God. But they do seem to have the fear of BJP. For that seems to be the only consistent reason they do not want to bring any of their contestations with the Congress led government to a logical conclusion. Verily it is said, nature abhors vacuum. If not fear of God, then fear of BJP!
2:58:33 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Taslima and M.F.Hussain - Facts vs. Imagination

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

This is in response to the blog “Why Muslims hate Taslima Nasreen” by Ansari Mohammed Rehan

Unless there is freedom of expression, humans will be stunted. Only through freedom can truth be discovered, lived or re-lived.

To compare Taslima and M.F. Hussain is misplaced. Taslima's was a rebellion against the Islamic society that she felt was oppressing women. She is or was herself a Muslim. Whereas M.F.Hussain was simply giving wings to his imagination when he painted, for example, Sita riding nude on Hanuman's tail. While freedom of expression includes freedom to run riot imaginatively, Hussain has consistently chosen Hindu icons to be colourful with. Why no icons from his own religious world of Islam? Thus I would see M.F. Hussain as a hypocrite whereas Taslima's is a cry of an oppressed womanhood under Islam.

Another point. For example, I might find it questionable that a much married man in his 50s who again marries a 9 year old girl is touted as a model of mankind and may write about it. Would I thereby be charged for character assassination or hurting of religious sentiments? The point is, I would be basing my expression on facts like Taslima and not on imagination like Hussain.
6:02:52 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (2) Uncategorized
Yashvin Tuesday, August 14, 2007 6:55:55 PM
You see you can't be emotional about issues like brave lady TASLIMA. Poor girl knows the truth about Islamists. Islamist Rule is simple pillage, rape, murder on the name of ALLah and you will go to heaven but should you speak on truth about unfair ALLAH than you are in danger territory as people like newly converts 'AR REHMAN' won't land you their voices; so why would MUSLIM MLA's who make the mockery of Indian legal system by breaking the law ...hitting Taslima in front of CAMERA'. Only way there would be peace on this earth is that whole of INDIA and the world converts to Islam or CHATHOLICISM or else Indians and Hindu cowards have no chance with new Khalifa Movement. Sorry I think there is a light at the end of tunnel if Indians follow American way ... pragmatic and sensible way.
infidel Tuesday, August 14, 2007 7:00:50 PM
A 54 years old man who bonks a child of 9 years is a "Phedophile"If someone is having highest esteem for such pervert "MODEL" then it is his/her problem and not ours.Speaking truth is not character as*as*ination but eye-opener.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

God is not an outsider.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

[This is in response to Listen to Me's blog of today (01.08.07) "Differentiate you must, judge you must not.]
When you say “… we are not and we can never be God or part of Him”, you appear to be making a twin-error – one, in reducing “we” to our limited physical body and two, in assuming that God is less than the whole or total or absolute. If your definition of God is only “the person (or entity) who/that created the world/universe” then certainly we are not nor can we be that entity because that entity is a thing of the past (meaning creation is over – at least this round – and thus the role of the creator is also over). But if God is defined not just as the creator, but that “which is and is not”, then we would see that everything is God in the varieties of His Truth. If everything seems so un-God-like to us in our normal state, that is only because we see with our limited understanding. The whole aim of spiritual teachings is to awaken us to our capacity to see without any limitations. Even that which perishes transforms itself into the state of is-not. Therefore it can be seen that the situation of duality does not deny the inevitability of non-duality.
5:54:07 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Shocked Minister and Sleepless Prime Minister

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

While appeal options have not been exhausted and it is natural for many to be unhappy with the verdict due to emotional reasons, I am aghast that Union Minister Priya Ranjan Das Munshi says he is shocked at the sentencing of Sanjay Dutt. Isn't it to be expected that if you are part of a conspiracy to bombard Mumbai you'll have to pay for it? Or is the Minister reflecting the emotion of the Prime Minister who lost his sleep worrying for the terrorists?
10:03:06 AM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

vivek Wednesday, August 1, 2007 10:17:21 AM
These ministers are must be taught a lesson during next election.
Mahesh_G Wednesday, August 1, 2007 11:35:43 AM
Priya Ranjan Das Munshi has no business in commenting about the judgement. All congress people are traitors.
ashok Wednesday, August 1, 2007 12:29:57 PM
yes all the congress people are traitors except old congress.
K.V.Gopalakrishnan Wednesday, August 1, 2007 1:00:05 PM
Some time ago there was a news that a person who was booked for a petty offence remained in jail as an under trial for over 27 long years - for an offence for which even if he was convicted he would not have got more than 6 months jail term.Neither our Prime Minister had a sleepless night nor our Minister got shocked as he was an ordinary poor citizen of this nation.Who cares for ordinary people in this country.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Sex education in schools

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Sex is a unique subject, to say the least. Introducing it as an academic subject in schools has to be done most cautiously, after much experimentation and pilot projects and studies. Imagine conducting cooking classes amongst the starving and disallowing the cooked delicacy to be sampled. Sex education should not arouse passions lying dormant in school children. Thus, the necessity of enlightened methods of imparting sex-education.

9:23:31 AM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

jkeshav Saturday, July 28, 2007 9:28:41 AM
K.Venugopal Saturday, July 28, 2007 12:42:53 PM
Dear Keshavji, You have put it superbly. "Let them grow in innocence." Yes, this is the key point. It leads to the questions, who is in a hurry to teach children sex? What has occurred to make this sex education imperative? Can we see any benefits accruing out of it? All these questions cry for answers.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Stenographers - an obsolete lot?

Monday, July 23, 2007

This is in response to Vikram Bhatia’s blog “Has shorthand outlived its utility? Thanks, to computers and high-tech? posted on Monday, July 23, 2007. [The conditions for successfully posting a response in the comments slot are getting somewhat mysterious. More often than not only a blank slot stares at you!]

I am a professional stenographer and have been one since I was 19 years old. I am now 52. The advent of the PC has been a boon in the sense that the tension of transcription no longer exists. Before, a single mistake and the whole page might have had to be retyped or corrected using a "whitener", with ugly scars showing. I always tell myself the PC has been a boon most to typists and accountants. How tension-free our lives have become. That we still find other things to tense ourselves with is another matter.

Stenographers are becoming a rare breed. That august institute of Stenographers, Daver's in Mumbai, now, I understand, turns out only a sprinkling of stenos.

Bombay was the dream city for stenos and most came from the South. Bal Thackeray had once wryly commented about South Indians having conquered Bombay at the speed of 140 wpm!

Though in most offices stenographers have become obsolete, those offices that have them treat them like treasure. Maybe this was always the case because stenographers were one class who always could chuck-off their job on whim as they were in demand everywhere. Now, of course, they have become a rare commodity and so all the more precious!

Thus I wonder, am I about the last generation of stenographers? I hope not, because when a great 'dictator' tilts his head in deep thought and creates the magic of literary expression, the artiste across him captures the magic in mystical strokes and curves and ensures the enchanting prose lives to cast its spell over its targeted audience. May the best of literary minds realize the value of a steno as a sensitive aid(e) to his thoughtful outpourings and may the tribe of stenos be re-bred and grow in strength!
7:07:41 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Monday, July 23, 2007
Has shorthand outlived its utility? Thanks, to computers and high-tech?
This is a debate on a subject which might interest mainly people in or linked with stenographic profession? My question to such people on the net is whether shorthand has outlived its utility to computers and high tech gadgetry like the Dictaphones etc.?
Twenty years back, the P.A.or steno in govt.offices/psus/or private offices quietly took down the notes in shorthand from his or her boss and simply typed them in the required format that is letters/notings/draftings etc. He enjoyed doing so, because his skills in fast writing were tested and he enjoyed the challenge whether in Govt.service, Courts, Parliament or offices of public/private undertakings. With the passage of time, the high tech gadgetry and advanced aides like the Dictaphones, computers etc.took over. Slowly but surely there was less number of dictations in shorthand and people with high speed in the skill slowly began to think about the utility of the skill they had acquired over a period of time. Today, with the little bit of exception of reporters in parliament taking notes in shorthand (roughly at the speed of 130 to 150 w.p.m)during the proceedings or debates (though now they also are supported by recorded version )or the laywers/advocates in courts, who dictate in shorthand to their P.A.s/stenos in fast speed for the latter to type out these court cases-petitions etc.on computers, does the need for shorthand skill, seems to be eroding slowly otherwise in other offices, thanks mainly to the high-tech invasion in all walks of life.
Or is it still in man?s own hands whether how he uses or maintains the skill of fast writing i.e. in shorthand to his own advantage inspite of the high tect gadgetry available to him or plainly dump the art and outstanding skills that were invented by Lord Ganesha (it is so presumed by many) while writing the epic Mahabharata dictated by Sage Sh.Ved Vyasa? All views sincerely discussed & posted are welcome. VIKRAM BHATIA, N.Delhi
4:53:19 PM
Posted By vikrambhatia Comment (0) Arts

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Mumbai flyover diverted to protect Haji Ali, Then why not SSCP?-Togadia

Monday, July 23, 2007
[I take the liberty to cut and paste here Dr. Pravin Togadia's views.]
7/22/2007 3:41:12 PM VHP

-Dr. Pravin Togadiya

“Sethu Samudram Project is nothing but an inhumanly cruel destruction of History, Ecological balance, Security & Passage of friendship with Srilanka. By giving futile excuse of development of an Oceanic Canal saving sea fuel costs & time, Government of India is not only trampling on the ancient faith & history but also misleading India & endangering ecology, security & a living of lakhs of fishermen at South Indian coasts.” Lamenting on the Sethu Samudram Project, VHP International General Secretary Dr Pravin Togadiya criticized the very basis of the project where the ancient bridge between India’s Rameshwaram & Sri Lanka is being broken by Govt of India.

Dr Togadiya further said,

“Those who question the faith of billions of Hindus that the said bridge is Ram Setu, built by Lord Ram & his army, very vehemently do everything possible to protect Haji Ali shrine in the Mumbai Sea Sea. The costliest flyover over the sea joining 2 parts of Mumbai has been diverted at a whooping extra cost only not to break Haji Ali. There, the same people do not mind millions of dollars of the nation are spent on extra fuel which will be burnt by the cars due to that Haji Ali protecting diversion! Same is the case with Hazrat Bal. Without questioning the faith or asking for the DNA report if the hair in that place belongs really to Paigambar, the same people have been aiding it for years. Therefore, Government’s excuse to break the Ram Sethu is NOT really palpable to billions of Hindus all over the world when it is obvious that the Sethu Samudram Project has been started ONLY to appease minority by hurting religious sentiments of the Hindus eve en at the cost of NATION’S COASTAL BORDER SECURITY, PERMANENT LOSS OF ECOLOGICAL BALANCE PERHAPS PUTTING COASTAL SOUNTH INDIA IN THE DANGER OF TSUNAMI & DETROYING THE LIVELIHOOD OF LAKHS OF INDIAN FISHERMEN- INDUSTRIES DEPENDING ON SEA PRODUCE.”

Demanding that the Sethu Samudram Project be immediately stopped, Dr Togadiya assured that the Hindus are not against any development provided it protects the nation & its heritage as well as security. He said,

“The same government is opening borders to Pakistan through rail, roads, bridged, trade but entirely cutting off the heritage bridge of trade, social contact & friendship with Sri Lanka. The same 2 kms wide Ram Sethu had been used by the people who come to Tamil Nadu for social visits, trade & Jyotirlingam Rameshwaram worship. Government gives millions of tax payers rupees as Haj subsidy for Indian Muslims to visit their religious place in Saudi Arabia, but breaks India’s own heritage bridge just because it is closer to the faith & hearts of billions of Hindus. Canal can be made in the coastal land for the boats without breaking Ram Sethu & Hindus will support it but if in spite of many feasible options for the canal, if the Government if bent upon breaking Ram Sethu to appease minority & hurt billions of Hindus, than globally Hindus will protest in a democratic manner to save Ram Sethu.”

While announcing the planned democratic protests against the Sethu Samudram Project, Dr Togadiya also explained the historical, scientific, and environmental as well as security related aspects of the Ram Sethu & the ill effects of the proposed Sethu Samudram Project in a detailed document.

10:17:16 AM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Unique Mohammad

Friday, July 20, 2007
This is in response to “Islam as seen through the eyes of a non-Muslim” posted by Mr. Satbir Bedi on Thursday, July 19, 2007

Dear Satbir Bedi,
Congratulations for your balanced and well-written essay. The telling point is that unlike Jesus, the Sikh Gurus or Swami Dayananda Saraswathi, who did not believe in idol-worship but never went about destroying others’ idols, Mohammad alone went about destroying others’ idols. This mind-set or tradition is what makes Islam a dangerous religion for world peace. They have no space for non-believers except on sufferance. The oft-quoted Quranic verse "To me my religion and to you yours" is not indicative of any acceptance of other ways of worship but is reflective of the spirit of "My way to paradise and yours to hell".
10:45:12 AM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Monday, July 16, 2007

Scientific Quran?

Monday, July 16, 2007
There have ever been attempts, even in this 21st century, to prove that the Quran is also a scientific manual worthy of being studied to keep us abreast in the field of science. Even if for arguments sake we accept that the Quran has revealed many scientific secrets for the first time (like the world is egg-shaped), the fact is that since then the world has gone much ahead in the matter of science and its application. This makes the Quran, as far as science is concerned, outdated. Which is not surprising, because the scientific attitude is to be ever discovering newer and deeper truths, whereas in the Quran nothing can be updated. Furthermore, if the 'science' of the Quran is outdated, is it an indication that the rest of the Quran could also similarly be outdated?
10:39:56 PM
Posted By
Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Guru Gobind Singh - trapped in the clergy’s rut.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Sonia Gandhi as Goddess Durga, Ram Rahim Singh as Guru Govind Singh, Da Vinci character as Jesus Christ and a cartoon as Mohammad. Do these enactions infringe on the sacred space of communities? Or should we take these as depictions of the sacred to convey a contemporary message, even if political? Just as metaphor is the sustenance of language, expressions are the dynamism of life. No idea or expression should be inamenable to further expressions of whatever nature. Sonia Gandhi as Durga need not agitate the Hindus (and, admirably, they are largely not agitated) because for the Hindus expressions of the divine are endless and multitudinous and Sonia Gandhi, or Vasundhara Raje, however much we may detest their politics, have divinity in them as anyone else and there is no harm if someone express this fact even if in a not-so-original way. However, it is unfortunate that many are unable to see the matter in this light. They feel that divinity is interpretable only as authorized by its official clergy. They don’t believe in freedom of expression. The fallout we might see sooner than later as the Sikhs refuse to pardon Ram Rahim Singh for his ‘indiscretion’ in imitating Guru Gobind Singh (never mind that imitation is the best form of flattery). All that may be left to express (officially or unofficially) might be the consequent dance of death.
4:10:32 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Surya Wednesday, June 27, 2007 5:40:16 PM
Isn't it ironical that people tolerate artistes portraying deities and legends in films and serials but object vociferously when people in public service are portrayed as such by their fans and followers?

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Lead, kindly light of Fatwa!

Friday, June 22, 2007

At last here is a fatwa that I, a Hindutva-wadi, support. Christians too should ponder over this fatwa. But most of all, Hindu opinion makers should take the cue from these Muslims and declare that caste politics is no longer an option for Hindu unity and the entire Hindu society shall rise as one to uplift all socially, economically and educationally backward Hindus without the outdated, divisive caste-based reservation.

Here’s what the Fatwa is about:

Six powerful seminaries, which have influence among at least two thirds of the 68 lakh Muslims in the state (AP), have said that all are equal in Islam and there is no caste system.
“Muslims all over the world are equal. There is no distinction of caste, colour or race among them. Therefore, creating distinction for reservations is improper under the Shariat,” said the fatwa from Jamia Nizamia, the 125-year-old Islamic university based in Hyderabad.
“Islam has no caste system and the government’s move is nothing but an attempt to divide Muslims,” said Moulana Hameeduddin Auqil Hussami, the chief priest of the Mecca Mosque, the scene of a bomb carnage last month.
The copies of the fatwa were released at a media conference addressed by leaders of Muslim United Action Committee, made of half-a-dozen religious, political and social organisations that had sought the opinion of the seminaries. Hussami is the convener of the committee.
The clerics said reservations should be provided to Muslims who are socially, economically and educationally backward without dividing them on the basis of any caste or “biradaries”.

12:10:19 AM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

India - a sad plight?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
India - a sad plight?
This is in response to Kuttan G.S's blog and reply by Jagdish Keshav. I could't post in either of their blogs. So here goes.

How can we NOT be ashamed that we were ruled by the British? Of course, it is our fault that we came to such a pass. Unfortunately, our focus in the fight for independence was to get rid of the British and not to strengthen our unity, as should have been the case. Which is why even as the British left, we were partitioned. Much as I acknowledge that Mahatma Gandhi is one of the greatest persons we have known, I think it was his leadership that made India lose her opportunity to be united. If Congress had continued to follow the footsteps of Tilak, things may have been different.

Anyway, the past is past. Let us at least now learn what our sources of true strength are. Let us nurture nationalism.
6:11:44 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Third Front's Presidential drama

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
The Third Front’s attempts to nominate Dr. Kalam as its candidate is pathetic. Dr. Kalam’s nature is so transparent that any child would tell you that he would not want to stand accused of preventing a woman from being the President, as the Congress is sure to charge him if he accedes to the Third Front’s request. The so-called Third Front is a motley crowd of state-centered parties without the cohesion to take on UPA or NDA. Their Presidential drama amply proves it.
3:19:27 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Sangma as President?

Sunday, June 17, 2007
I have a gut feeling that the 3rd Front will nominate P.A. Sangma (former Speaker of Lok Sabha) for the Presidentship, Bhairon Singh Shekhawat will withdraw and there will be one helluva contest.
11:45:36 AM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Friday, June 15, 2007

President of Indians' hearts.

Friday, June 15, 2007
President of Indians' hearts.
This is in response to Shri Krishnan’s blog ‘
Good Bye Dr.Kalam ! - An open letter from a grateful Indian’.

Shri Krishnan’s letter is straight from the heart and it no doubt reflects what millions of Indians feel, as I too feel. I must, however, say that on three occasions I was surprised and even anguished by Dr. Kalam’s decisions (one non-decision!)

One, when in a speech to Parliament during its opening session, he charged BJP with being communal. This is not true because if BJP is communal, he would not have become the President. Even BJP’s first choice, Dr. P.C. Alexander, is not a Hindu. I anyway forgive Dr. Kalam because he was only reading what was written out by the Congress cabinet.

Two, when he rather hurriedly signed the order to dissolve the Bihar assembly. He had innocently placed unmerited faith in Congress government's advice.

Three, when he failed to get the chap Afzal Guru hanged for no less a crime than storming the Parliament with guns and bombs. I nevertheless will not be harsh on Dr. Kalam because maybe legally he had no option but to wait for the Congress government to get back to him on the issue, which the government has not done till today.

But compared to the goodness Dr. Kalam exuded all through his tenure, I would consider the above 3 as aberrations that can be overlooked. I've put it down only for the record.

In him I think we are now going to have a President of Indians’ hearts while a pretender might be on the throne.
8:39:15 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Sonia’s President – thank you for rejecting BJP’s anti-conversion bill?

Friday, June 15, 2007
Pratibha Patil, as Governor of Rajasthan, declined to consent to the BJP Government’s anti-conversion bill. Could it be why she surfaced in Sonia’s mind?
12:15:40 AM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Friday, June 08, 2007

The "Nothing-to-do Man" - a challenge to all activists

Friday, June 8, 2007
The “Nothing-to-do Man” – a challenge to all activists.
I had a few days back posted a blog quoting the “Nothing-to-do Man”’s letter upon retirement. In these days when people feel more restless upon retirement than when they were gainfully employed, he is an odd-man-out. Aren’t we ever trying to do more and more so as to gain more, whether monetary-wise, fame-wise or popularity-wise? But here’s this guy, who is well educated, was in a senior well-paid position in a leading oil-company in the Middle East, well liked by whoever came across him, turning down equally good offers that came to him to continue aboard, moving away from it all for the quietude of a spiritual life, without, of course, absconding from any of his family commitments. How does one live without doing anything?

Since this gentleman is not onto activity of any kind, except talking kindly whenever the philosophy of life is discussed in his presence (and of course, being dutifully of help to his wife in running the household!), we will have to coax him into becoming a blogger. That, I think, would enrich the discourse on this blogsphere.

In an attempt to coax him, I call upon bloggers to write as to whether they feel that in order to be happy, we have to be doing one thing or the other. This, I think, would provide him the ‘ammunition’ to come abroad on this blogsphere and point out the alternative. I assure you, then, we shall hear a voice of a different kind.
4:54:23 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The 'Nothing-to-do' man

Thursday, June 7, 2007
The ‘Nothing-to-do’ man.
[Many years ago, my friend in a foreign country had to leave his job. On that occasion, he had written an open letter to all his colleagues and friends. I revisited his letter after many years and have his permission to share it with the bloggers at NDTV. I may add that it has been over a decade since he left his job and he has very much kept his word. He has not been doing much since, not because he retired with a pile of money, but because he has become free from the trap of doing.]

After a 13½ years long association with . . ., I will be leaving on . . . Working with . . . has been a unique experience. The friendly, informal and down-to-earth interactions with various people have been a source of joy for me throughout my association with the company. It is a culture that I shall cherish wherever I go.

You might be perhaps curious to know as to what I shall do henceforth. Frankly speaking, I will be on a pursuit to drop all pursuits. I have always been asking myself: Why am I doing what I am doing? What is it that I really want? And what is that which is going to eliminate all wants and urges and bring in a state of full contentment and completeness?. This has brought in a process of unwinding in my life and now I remain fully convinced that for fullness - the final home-coming - I have absolutely nothing to do, nothing to know and nothing to seek, as all pursuits are controlled by mental connections, caused by delusion. As Tao says: Sitting silently, the grass grows by itself, the sun shines by itself, the rain falls by itself and the river flows by itself. The entire realm of knowledge is summed up with a simple comment: Do not push the river.

This understanding has emboldened me to live my future life without any ambitions, without any plans, without any schemes and without any fixations - moment to moment in a state of let-go. Thus, being a “mainstream drop-out”, my life is going to be a journey along a different path, or a pathless path.

My address in India will be . . .

If you happen to visit India any time, you are welcome to come and spend a few days with me and have exposure to a different lifestyle. Although I may not be able to offer you the comforts that are available here, I can give you one guarantee – what I have you too will have.
11:58:39 AM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Who is the author of Quran?

Saturday, June 2, 2007
Who is the author of Quran?
The thesis that Quran is authored by Mohammad, popularized in this blogsphere by Infidel, is, from the Hindu point of view (not counting the Hindu view held out of courtesy and respect for others' beliefs) is correct because according to Hinduism, an individual rises to greater understanding through a rise in consciousness and for such a rise he pursues meditation, which is exactly what Mohammad did in the caves of Mount Herat. However, what is unique about Mohammad is that he appears to have had lapses from these higher consciousness, during which period he went to war with all and sundry to spread his religion (which is a surprise because he did not get the whole message of his religion till a period of 23 years – i.e., till the last year of his life - so what religion was he actually fighting for in between?).

We go into ourselves in meditation and discover the higher truths. Those truths written down form scriptures. And the teachings based on such scriptures form religions. Therefore, though the content of the Quran is divine and is from the source of divinity, i.e. Allah, we would not be wrong in saying that the medium of its expression, Mohammad, is its author. The authors of different scriptures being different, the style and history of different scriptures will vary, though the content or essence of all scriptures are the same – insights into the divine. While Mohammad’s insights kept coming over a period of 23 years (being interspersed with Mohammad’s lapses from high consciousness, reflected in the Quran through verses that seem quite Satanic, like the call for murder of non-believers, or sanctifying 4 wives etc.), Sant Janeshwar, for example, completed his scripture Janeshwari by his 15th birthday and never suffered any lapses.

The words of the Quran, therefore, are not Allah’s, maybe not even Mohammad’s but of the companions who transcribed it. Mohammad, being illiterate, did not do any proof-reading.

As to Quran being perfect, with not a comma changed over the last 1,400 years – well, the jury is out on that. Actually, a proper jury has been constituted only after the advent of the internet!
4:10:57 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Infidel Sunday, June 3, 2007 8:12:24 AM
Kudos Venu. You are simply great. Only a person pure at heart like you can write such a blog. Congrats.I quote you:"so what religion was he actually fighting for in between?"He himself didn't know. LOL. On second thought, he was fighting to get power, wealth, sex slaves, revenge to his enemies and to fullfil of his nasty desires.One more time I quote you:"Actually, a proper jury has been constituted only after the advent of the internet! "Very true. Now muslims cannot behead us and they cannot take our wives and children as slaves, because they cannot access us.And don't forget, Internet was invented by infidels, not a single iota of it is mentioned in crap quran. Guess what, the all knowing allah didn't know that infidels like us will rip apart islam over internet. LOL.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Palash Biswas - NDTV's most prolific blogger - unfortunately, somewhat amoral.

Friday, June 1, 2007
Palash Biswas – NDTV’s most prolific blogger – unfortunately, somewhat amoral.
Palash Biswas is undoubtedly our most erudite and prolific blogger. However, I’ve wondered if he can’t be accused of being intellectually amoral. Why does he repeat his blogs many times? The habit is becoming contagious. Other bloggers have begun doing it. But of course, Biswas Saab is away ahead. He now repeats himself 10 times. Is he seeking to hog the limelight?
11:26:23 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Trapped in Islam

Thursday, May 31, 2007
Trapped in Islam
[The following is report of news item and comment from the site Haindava Keralam. The key point of Malaysia's Supreme Court is that all ethnic Malays are Muslim. Here is yet another proof that in Islam religious freedom is an alien concept.]

Malaysia's answer to Conversion5/30/2007 2:52:04 PM Malaysia's highest court has rejected a Muslim convert's plea to be legally recognised as a Christian, according to BBCMalaysia's constitution guarantees freedom of worship but says all ethnic Malays are Muslim. Under Sharia law, Muslims are not allowed to convert.Malaysia's Chief Justice Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim said the panel endorsed legal precedents giving Islamic Sharia courts jurisdiction over cases involving Muslims who want to convert.About 200 protesters shouted "Allah-o-Akbar" outside the court when the ruling was announced."You can't at whim and fancy convert from one religion to another," told Ahmad Fairuz, Malaysia’s chief Justice.Ms Joy has been disowned by her family and forced to quit her job. She went into hiding last year. A Muslim lawyer who supported her case received death threats.****************************************************************************************This is the reason why no Missionaries are interested in uplifting the poor in Islamic Countries. In Communist China also they won’t show any soft corner as our Communist’s do to Missionaries. Then the only option left for the crusaders is our Nation where they get full support to proceed with their plan of conversions unabated and to meet the target set by Vatican.

infidel Saturday, June 2, 2007 12:33:36 AM
Conversion to islam is permissible but not the reverse. What a freedom in islam?Don't forget venu, "No compulsion in religion..." LOLMalaysia's constitution guarantees freedom of worship but sharia does not allow apostasy from islam. So nobody can convert from islam. Which means constitution is only stating for nonmuslims as all muslims falls under sharia law.
K.Venugopal Saturday, June 2, 2007 12:29:38 PM
Which means, in effect, Malaysia is under two constitutions. But that's only for now. In due course of time, Insha’llah, there will be only one constitution, the one and only God-given constitution - the Shariat. Alhamdulillah!

Muslim youth embraces Hinduism

Thursday, May 31, 2007
Muslim youth embraces Hinduism
[The following is from Haindava Keralam. The youth's life would be spared, hopefully, because Turkey is not yet in the grip of Islamists.]
Muslim youth embraces Hinduism5/30/2007 11:13:26 AM
Amritsar, July 8
A Muslim youth of Turkey adopted Hindu religion as per Hindu rituals here today.
Unsal Ozenen (25), a national of Turkey adopted Hindu religion in the presence of Hindu leaders including the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, the Bajrang Dal and the Arya Samaj. He changed his name to Shankar Natrajan Arya.
In his affidavit he said that, “I am Muslim by faith and I am changing my religion with my consent without any pressure, undue influence or threat. I adopt this religion after inspiring from holy books of Hindus as well as reading from the Internet regarding qualities and basics of Hindu religion.” He had read ‘Dancing with Shiva’ written by Subramanyam Swami, ‘Bhagwat Gita’ and ‘Chandi Path’ written by Satyanand Saraswati besides ‘Loving Ganesha’, ‘Devi Gita’.
Mr Unsal talking to ‘The Tribune’ said his family members did not object.
Answering queries he said the fundamentalists had distorted the face of Islam which affected this (Islam) religion. He said terrorism had no place in Islam.
11:58:31 AM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sonia's cat out of the bag.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Sonia’s cat out of the bag.
In suggesting Arjun Singh’s name for Presidency, Sonia’s wish is very clear. If Arjun Singh becomes the President, then the first thing she would do is to have the cabinet pass reservations for Christians. A previous President had sent back such a bill. No fear this time with minority loving Arjun Singh.

Beware, the woman is out to divide the nation once more on the basis of religion.
11:29:59 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Ayruveda in clothes!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Ayurveda in clothes!
{I came across this article in the site "Haindava Keralam". Ayurveda in clothes! What next?}
[Ageold Hindu tradition of making medicated clothes revived]
Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala, the land of Parasurama and Adi Sankaracharya, for centuries is much ahead in exploring the enormous hidden value of ayurveda, the Hindu science, for the benefit of mankind. Oral and other modes of treatments apart, a revolution is now set in motion in Kerala in the field of ayurvedic clothes. Though the know-how for the incorporation of ayurveda into the clothes was there in the thousands of years old Thaliyola (writing on plamleaf), in course of time, first the Britishers and then our own native rulers moulded with Western charachterestics completely ignored this great tradition. A recent exploration in making medicated clothes was prompted by lack of demand for handloom clothe items in the face of high-tech competition from mechanized and automated composite mills. The initiative was taken by the Hindu weaving families of Balaramapuram in Thiruvanthapuram district who have the tradition of more than 600 years in the field.

The order books of the weavers in Balaramapuram are now thick with orders from leading dress material and garment merchants in Europe. The European people are tired with various ailments in a faster scale than their growth scale and they were in search of a solution.
A new act banning the import and export of dress materials or dresses dyed in azo-dyes (the chemicals which are harmful to the skin) are already in place in Europe. The act was promped by a study about the causes of the diseases that afflicted the European people in a large scale.
A Hindu family called Kuzhivila in Balaramapuram had explored and used the techniques of ayurveda dye many years ago. The family has found a means to boost the ailing rural economy with the knowhow handed down from their great granduncle Ayyappan Vaidyar, who was the chief physician for the erstwhile Travancore royal family. Incorporating the techniques they had woven cloths and supplied to the royal family as a solution to the various ailments that afflicted the members of the royal family. The Kuzhiviala family’s present generation revived the ayurveda-dye technique now and given life to the handloom industry that was dying in Kerala.
"As in many other cases, the family tradition was dying and we wanted to revive it. Moreover, herbs seemed a bright alternative to synthetic dyes," says K. Rajan, chief technician at the society's dyeing unit. “We renewed the practice and made these garments whenever people wanted. Later, we organised ourselves into a society as the demand increased,” he added.
Once patronised by the Travancore kings, the healer-weavers of Balaramapuram have added Saudi royals to their customer list. “We have been exporting naturally-dyed purdahs to Saudi Arabia. We have sold over a lakh pieces there,’’said K Vijayan, marketing manager of Handloom Weavers’ Development Society, the trade body that networks about 6,500 makers of medicinal garments..
Last year, Kuzhivila family alone manufactured and supplied cloths worth Rs 5 million to the Europan countries. When the demand for ayurveda clothes surpassed high-mark level, about 600 weavers’ co-operative societies of Balaramapuram formed a nucleus Society in the name of Handloom Weavers Development Society(HWDS). Orders are now pouring to this society from scores of countries. From America alone Rs 10 million worth order is already in the kit. Germany, Italy, France, Spain and Japan, Malaysia,Singapore, Taiwan and Jordan are in queue for order placement.
The products are manufactured as per the directions of Ashtavaidyars, Aryvaidyars, Siddhvaidyars and Marma chikilsa vaidyars, who are experts physicians. The quality test is done at Government Ayurveda College at Thiruvananthapuram.
For colouring and fragrance to the products the raw materials used are herbs and plants. For yellow colour - turmeric, woody turmeric, kasthuri turmeric and many other varieties of turmeric are used. For red – manjadi is used. For green – kurunthoti is the raw material. For blue – neelayamiri (indigo) and for black cuscus grass, promanagati, cardamom, cloves, nutmerg etc are the raw materials.
The technique employed for retaining the colour and fragrance too is ayurvedic. Preservatives for this are made from the roots of kathali plantain, gum of neem, chebula etc. The entire process is organic. The cloth is bleached with cow's urine, which has high medicinal value. The dyeing gum too is herbal. It does not pollute like synthetic dye. And the waste is used as bio manure and to generate biogas.
The studies in India and abroad have established that ayurveda dress is a proven remedy for allergy, skin diseases, cancer, diabetes and many other diseases.
The shortage of herbs and plants is becoming a hindrance to execute in time the bulk orders pouring in from abroad and India. The Society managers say they are ready to buy all the herbs and plants, used in their production, cultivated in every inch of Kerala land. Still their input requirement will lag behind. The Society has developed many gardens of herbs and plants on its own. All are in high ranges and are entrusted to the tribals for maintenance. No chemical fertilizer is used. Only bio-fertilizer is feeded to the plants in order to maintain the quality of inputs.
Recently a delegation of Japanese government evaluated the herbal gardens and the quality of ayurvedic cloths. The impressed Japanese government gave Rs 2 million to the Society for the development of herbal gardens.
Apart from dress materials, other types of ayurvedic cloths are also marketed in diffeent brands. In a shirt there are minimum 30 medicines. Surprisingly, ayurvedic cloths are comnparatively cheap.
There are specific dresses and cloths for specific diseases. For psoriasis and other skin diseases, the saris and dress materials are made mainly with turmeric and karinochi. For blood pressure, the dress material is made mainly of chebula and thulasi. For arthritis, the cloths are treated in agathi and manjishta. For asthma, the cloths are incorporated with the ingredients of avanakku, adalodakam and vallipala.
Ayurvedic bedsheets and mattresses are too manufactured and marketed.
In Thiruvanthapuram Government Ayurveda College Hospital the Society has herbalised few rooms in which the cots are woven by herbally treated coir. The walls are concealed with herbally treated carpets while the blankets and mattresses are also herbalised. For arthritis treatment these rooms are very effective. There is great demand for these rooms in the hospital.
The main problem the French people confront is sleeplessness. They came to Balarampuram in search of a solution. They are now a satisfied lot with specially made dress material and specially made bed-spreads and mattresses. American people’s problem is obesis, cancer and skin diseases. They too wanted a solution from Kerala and came to Balaramapuram. Dress materials with more than 200 varieties of herbs and plants are readying for them.
Now many eyes and ears from different parts of the world are tuned towards Kerala to have a lasting solution for their health problems through never failing ayurveda science.
In one voice Vijayan, Rajan, Satheesan and Komalakumaran, who are the pivots of the HWDS say that India could ``recapture’’ the world textile market as more and more Western countries strictly enforce eco-friendly norms. “The government aid will ensure standardisation of our products. We are already witnessing a huge demand for all kinds of garments, be it silk, wool or jute, dyed with medicines,” Vijayan said.
The contact address of the Society is: Ayur Vastra, Handloom Weavers Development Society, Thompodu, Balaramapuram P.O., Thiruvananthapuram. Kerala. Phone: 0471-2401438/2401750: Fax: 0471-2401438: E-mail:

Posted on 5/21/2007 by PRADEEP RAMA KRISHNAN
10:04:03 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Monday, May 28, 2007

Incredible Hinduism!

Monday, May 28, 2007
Incredible Hinduism!
In the latest episode of ‘We the People’, someone mentioned that Rama and Krishna were non-Brahmins and Lord Shiva is a chandala (untouchable, outside the caste system). So why is all Hinduism, (contemptuously called by some a Brahmin cult), worshiping non-Brahmin deities?

It might be unbelievable, but in Kerala, where Brahmins alone have been conducting the poojas in all Shiva Temples, prepare the ‘nivadhiam’ (food offerings) for Shiva on behalf of the devotees, but, as I have been given to understand, themselves do not partake of it, as it is meant for a Chandala!

So you see, folks, the dos and don’ts can be quite complex in Hinduism. Still Hinduism survives – nay thrives. Incredible Hinduism!
9:51:37 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Temple entry for non-Hindus

Temple entry for non-Hindus
There has been a chorus calling for permitting non-Hindus entry into Hindu temples. I have also added my voice in support. However, a question remains. Might not the management of temples go into the hands of non-Hindus?

A similar question would not arise in the case of churches or mosques because they are firmly in the hands of Christians and Muslims respectively, whereas the temples are in the hands of a so-called secular government.

So what would stop such a government from filling the management team of temples with non-Hindus?

While ideally there might not be problems even if non-Hindus run Hindu temples provided the temples are run according to its customs, finally is it not a matter of faith? How can there be faith unless there is dedication and how can there be dedication where there are divided loyalties or no loyalty at all? This question is pertinent considering the fact that Christians and Muslims are not expected to have faith in anything other than their own religion.
7:18:01 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

rationalbeing Saturday, May 26, 2007 8:11:03 PM
you are true,i want to add non islams are not allowed to enter into the mosques,but there secularists are mum
sangeetha Nair Tuesday, May 29, 2007 10:51:46 AM
Here’s a thought: regarding the issue of temple entry, being a convent educated Hindu, residing in Kerala, I believe that it is up to the Devasom Board to decide whether the Temple Entry Act (1936) should be modified to accommodate non-Hindus. On a personal note, I believe that the NSS was right in "agreeing" with the suggestion that singer Yesudas should not be allowed inside the Guruvayoor temple. So what if Yesudas sang one too many devotional songs about Lord Krishna? I sang soprano in the church choir while in school, but when it came to act of receiving the Holy Communion, I had to watch from the sidelines. If Christians believe that the Holy Communion is an intimate encounter with Christ, and so only fellow Christians are allowed to partake in this celebration of the Eucharist, then certainly Tantric rituals should also be seen in the same divine light.
K.Venugopal Tuesday, May 29, 2007 2:07:47 PM
You have a valid point, Sangeetha. To compare dalits' temple entry agitation to the current call for allowing non-Hindus temple entry is misplaced. While in the former case the dalits were clamouring for temple entry, the same is not the case with non-Hindus. Non-Hindus are not clamouring for temple-entry, save a Yesudas here or a Yusuf Ali Kechery there.
K.Venugopal Tuesday, May 29, 2007 2:16:21 PM
So why are Hindus eager to open the gates even to the unenthusiastic? I think it is largely because of a new found confidence in the Hindus that the moment is just right to bring everyone into its fold. Good, I would say - only, we have to be cautious that we do not score a self-goal in doing so by eventually loosing control of our temples to people who would refuse to call themselves Hindus.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Reject mercy petition and hang Afzal

Saturday, April 21, 2007
There are a large number of people who would be happy if President Kalam agrees for a second term as President and continues, including me. However, I wonder why he has left unresolved the case of Afzal Guru. I understand that the Courts have rejected Afzal’s appeals and the issue is back in the hands of our ‘Muslims first’ Government. Why is the government sitting on the file? The President should query the Government. The President should demit his first term with the distinction that he did not shy from putting the terrorist where he belongs - in the noose.
2:16:13 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Monday, April 16, 2007

A chart of Hindu-Muslim differences

Monday, April 16, 2007
A chart of Hindu-Muslim differences.
[This cut and paste business is somewhat uncreative but these days I seem to be suffering from writer's block. In any case, I thought the following comparison of Hinduism and Islam, though somewhat simplistic, is amusing. Let our differences thrive, but let not our differences lead to separation.]
Hindu-Muslim orthodoxy (some) Differences4/13/2007 9:20:20 AM Jinn-Gabriel
The following are some of the basic differences between Hindus and Muslims, in customs and approaches in life, which can be apparently noticed by anyone:
Orthodox Hindus
Orthodox Muslims
1. Sun is worshipped because it is the SOURCE of all lives.
Moon is very important even though it is a reflector of Sun
2. Worship - facing East – Toward the direction of Sun.
Worship - facing West - towards the direction of Mecca / Arabia
3. Cow is very sacred
Cow should be slaughtered and eaten
4. Tuft at the back of the head
Growing hair on the chin, exactly in opposite direction of tuft of Hindus
5. Mustache on the upper lip
Shave it clean there, grow it in the chin & sides of face.
6. Marriage between the fathers’ related of-springs is strictly prohibited because Paternal gene is the same, i.e. considered as brothers and sisters. Hindus accept maternal-side marriages because Maternal gene is different from Paternal gene.
Marriage between the father’s related of-springs is highly recommended and Hindu’s acceptance of Maternal side marriages is prohibited.
Ref: Sahih Bukhari Volume 007, Book 062, Number 037-- Sahih Bukhari Volume 007, Book 062, Number 038
7. “LokA: samastA: sukhino bhavanthu, samastha san mangalAni santhu” this “Let the whole world be happy & well and let everyone in the world get all the good & auspicious things of life” is the usual benediction to everyone irrespective of belonging to any religion
If you do not accept and say aloud “ YA illallAh ir rahmAn ir rahEEm – Allah Hu Akbar” i.e. there is no God other than AllAh, Allah is Great – then, you are a Kafir and so fit to be killed by Muslims.
Ref: Quran: 8-39; 8-65; 9-05; 9-14; 9-29; 9-112; (only a very few given here)

8. There is nothing called ‘Jihad’ - a religious war
Jihad is nothing but an inducement to murder and plunder non-Muslims, for, their only crime of not believing in Allah, and his messenger Mahamood bin Abdullah as apostle. So, Islamic Jihad is a Perpetual Declaration of War on Non-Muslims or non-believers: Ref: 2:193-246; 4:75-76-84; 8:13 to 17-39-60-65-69; 9:05-14-29-112; 47:04; and Hadiths - Bukhari: V4B53N386; Bukhari: V4B53N386; Muslim:C9B1N31; Muslim: C9B1N33; Tabari IX:69; Ishaq:324 to 326; Ishaq:578;
9. Each Hindu eats in separate Plate or washed-Leaf and eating in one biggest Common Plate with lots of people sitting around it, is considered as “ashudh”, i.e. unclean.
It is considered very important that they eat together only in one biggest Common Plate on important occasions.
10. Hindus do not believe in destroying other religion and especially places of Worship of other religions, and it is stated that they had to resort to destroying Babri Masjid recently (- as reprisal / or reclaiming their own place to build Ram’s Temple at Ayodhya. Proof is also stated to exist. The matter is in the court. If you trace history, the Hindu kings welcomed and helped people of other religions of the world to build their places of worship, be it Muslims, Zorastrians, Jews, to name a few.
Hindu religion is never forced on anyone at any time.
As a matter of policy, Muslims kings had always built their masjids, exactly in the places of worship of other religions only by destroying them in arrogance and to prevail their complete dominance over the local people. Their religion is also forced upon others by all means.

11. ‘Punarapi jananam and punarapi maranam’ is basic approach to life, i.e. faith in birth & rebirth cycle according to good or bad deeds of previous births.

AllAh will settle all the accounts of reward or punishment on the Judgement day at the end of one’s life itself.

12. ‘Ek patni vrat’ i.e. one wife for every man is the ways o life for Hindu Orthodoxy.
A Muslim male can have conjugal felicity with four females at a time as wives besides concubines (slave women) too

13. Hindus do not circumcise for men and women. Later on some Hindus might have taken to this due to modern medical advice. Circumcising amongst Hindu- women is non- existent.
But it is a very important religious necessity as per the Islamic rituals for men especially, but the purpose of Circumcising of women in many parts of the world especially in Arabia and Africa, is too explicit to express. But it can be said that it is very disgusting & atrociously selfish on the part of men / women there.

14. Females dress normally in colourful sarees if the Husband is alive. Normally Hindu widows wear white sarees. In some parts of India, Hindu women cover their heads with Palloo, when they pray to God or as respect to elders around.

Men & Women can pray and eat together. There are no restrictions whatsoever.
Females (as per orthodox Islamic custom) are not only not allowed to dress in bright colours but are supposed to cover their entire body i.e. Nijab (covering the entire body except a cloth-mesh for the eye for their sight. Or at least Hijab i.e. covering the all parts of body except face, i.e. covering their heads with the headscarf.
Muslims it seems fear that the entire part of women’s body (irrespective of relationships) will kindle carnal / base feeling among on all males around, hence women are made to cover either by Nijab or Hijab.
Men & women should never pray / eat together.
15. Hindus normally wash from fore-arms to finger-tips i.e., top down direction
Muslims wash their hands from hands first and then the fore-arms i.e., bottom up direction
16. Normally Hindus are vegetarians. But there are non-vegetarian Hindus too. Some non-vegetarian Hindus tolerate pork eating.
Anything in the name of Pork / Pig is a taboo or prohibited. But there are vegetarian Muslims, and these are a few or rare.
17. Playing Chess is encouraged, as it is an intellectual game, of strategy, like fast thinking, looking back and looking forward in life etc.,
Playing chess is completely prohibited, as per Sahih Muslim Book 028, Number 5612 and Malik’s Muwatta Book 52, Number 52.2.7; MUSLIM VOL IV – No. 5612 – Chapter: CMXLVI
18. Playing on Musical Instruments is not prohibited
It is prohibited a per Sahih Bukhari Volume 007, Book 069, Number 494 ----Sahih Muslim Book 024, Number 5279
19. Drawing Pictures and images are look-up as piece of Art and appreciated.
It is prohibited: ref: Sahih Bukhari Volume 003, Book 034, Number 428 --- Sunan Abu Dawud Book 001, Number 0227, Book 032, Number 4140 – Book 027, Number 3746 --

20.Tattooing is not prohibited

It is prohibited: ref: Sahih Bukhari Volume 003, Book 034, Number 299; Sahih Bukhari Volume 003, Book 034, Number 440; Sahih Bukhari Volume 007, Book 072, Number 829, Sahih Bukhari Volume 007, Book 072, Number 845

21. Hindus always obey the law of the Land to whichever country they belong to – Uphold and strictly obey the Constitution of the Land
Muslims want their Shariat Law according to Quran, Hadith (traditions of Mahamood) and Sunnah (Biography of Mahamood) as if it is to be universally accepted -- even if Muslims life in many countries. (One Shariat Law for the entire world)
NOTE: In short, Muslims are supposed to do all the things, which are opposed to Hindu Orthodox customs.
In the world, Islam (20%) is opposed to (80%) all others: [Theologically, Religiously, domestically, constitutionally, Scripturally, Geographically, Socially, Politically, Domestically, Intellectually, Philosophically and Spiritually.]
6:06:04 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Friday, April 06, 2007

Book on Islam banned, author's house raided in Mumbai

Saturday, April 7, 2007
Book on Islam banned, author's house raided in Mumbai
[I chanced upon the following news item. I've always wondered why our secular Congress governments are more loyal than the king when it comes to Muslim sentiments.]
Book on Islam banned, author's house raided in Mumbai4/6/2007 5:50:49 AM Hindu VoiceMumbai, 6th April 2007: Mr. R.V. Bhasin, Advocate, Supreme Court and a former Air Force Officer, has authored many books on Islam and Hinduism. The Government of Maharashtra has recently banned one of his books titled "ISLAM - A Concept of Political World Invasion by Muslims". Yesterday (5th April 2007), police raided his residence at Colaba and have confiscated about 1000 copies of the book which was published in English and Hindi. The raid was conducted by the Marine Drive Police Station and lasted for nearly four hours, from 11.00 am till 3.00 p.m, when Mr. Bhasin was away attending some court cases. In an interview to Hindu Voice correspondent, Mr. Bhasin said that he is happy that he has been exalted to the position of Salman Rushide and Taslima Nasreen, by the Maharashtra Government. He, a Supreme Court Lawyer himself, is determined to fight it out in the court of law. Mr. Bhasin informed that he will be moving the High Court in Mumbai within a day or two, praying for returning of his books. The police raid and the subsequent confiscation of his books are a gross violation of his fundamental rights, he said. Whether we live in a free and democratic country, Mr. Bhasin wonders.
12:17:52 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

The Divine, the Sinner and the Slave

Saturday, April 7, 2007
The Divine, the Sinner and the Slave.
Hinduism primarily teaches that man is divine; Christianity teaches that man is a sinner and Islam teaches that man is a slave to Allah. As a consequence, Hinduism is all about the expressions of the divine whereas Christianity is about saving mankind from being the sinners they have been proclaimed to be (if you want to be saved, of course, there is a ransom to be paid and that ransom is believing in Jesus – since ransom is what mercenaries ask for, we could safely say that the missionary folks are a mercenary lot). Islam, in seeking slaves for Allah, brooks no questioning and hence the hallmark of Islam is intolerance.

As the goal, so the reality.
10:31:05 AM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Abraham Saturday, April 7, 2007 1:11:04 PM
Hindus are descendants of deities who had divine qualities. Jesus came into the picture when humans including hindus started committing sins, so it is but natural for Jesus to talk of sinners. Islam correctly talks about humans to be slaves of Allah. You have to elevate your comprehension capabilities Mr. Venu. Allah is the same God that your Hinduism refers to by differnent names like Shiva, Vishnu etc. Being a slave doesn't connote the same as between human and human, a feature of medieval times. It is similar to what your Hinduism talks about Meera and Shree Krishna, i.e. when Meera becomes totally devoted to Krishna. Of course, you are one going around saying that you are yourself God, so these things cannot sit in your intellect.
K.Venugopal Saturday, April 7, 2007 2:18:05 PM
Dear Abraham,You could be a wee bit off on Christian theology. Man started ‘committing sin’ right from Adam onwards. Therefore Jesus came into the picture a long long time later. Jesus died on the cross to off-load everyone’s sin. Then came the Church and started broadcasting that all are sinners, which is not possible because Jesus died on the cross for our sins. The Church thus became the middleman asking for the commission of your “believe” (membership of the Club) if you are to be relieved of your sins. Meera’s relationship with Sri Krishna was love based on bhakthi, wherein the devotee merged into the devotion. Such a concept in unthinkable in Islam (apart from Sufism). Islam’s is truly a master-slave relationship with oneness in the relationship not possible. You are right, Shiva, Vishnu, God, Allah – all refer to the same phenomenon of divinity which is what we are in truth, though not often in reality. Have you missed the teaching of Advaita? Comprehension is called for, Abraham.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Useless science of the Quran and useful science of the Vedas

Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Useless science of the Quran and useful science of the Vedas.
Ajmal Rashid has been posting some articles on the scientific temper of the Quran. I wonder what exactly he is trying to prove. That the Quran spoke scientifically in an age considered unscientific? Why then did not the Quran generate scientists but had to wait for over 1000 years to prove itself - and that too by reading into a scientific culture that is not nurtured by Muslims?

In short, the science in the Quran had no use for the Muslims, unlike the Vedas, the science of which have given rise to, for example, Ayurveda, which was useful then as now and it never needed a foreign science to prove itself.
9:40:35 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

amardeep_mlaysia Tuesday, April 3, 2007 10:05:18 PM
Hey Venu, What rubbish!U raised good point but spoilt it by giving the example of Ayurveda.
K.Venugopal Tuesday, April 3, 2007 10:36:20 PM
Dear Amardeep, When you concede that I have raised a good point, where does the rubbish come in? Isn't Ayurveda science and isn't it a product of the Vedas?

Monday, March 26, 2007

Pssst . . . Ciao Rahul

Monday, March 26, 2007
Psssst . . . Ciao Rahul
Ciao Rahul, If you or famiglia governo (non behind throne but on throne), you protega the Musulmani, their mosques etc etc. Grande! Quello Narasimho non Royale, corretto? But waito, il Sikhs . . .Papa . non protega. . Ah, little errore? Non . . . corretto. Sikhs non Musulmani.
11:00:26 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The cursed Nehru legacy of Muslim appeasement

Friday, March 23, 2007
The cursed Nehru legacy of Muslim appeasement.
With Rahul Gandhi saying that if a member of his family was the Prime Minister the Babri Masjid would not have been destroyed, it ought to be clear that it has been the Nehru family members who have been the greatest appeasers of Muslim fanaticism. With the same blood running in him, Rahul could not but be in sync. If left to himself, Mahatma Gandhi might not have allowed partition. But Nehru facilitated it to appease the Muslims. The Congress, so conditioned by the Nehru mystique, went to the extent of bowing to a semi-literate foreigner and making her their head, only because she is a member of the ‘family’. Now great grand child Rahul wants to appease the Muslims over a genuine Hindu sentiment. Let us not invite the history of partition again by voting for Nehru family members or the captive Congress party – the arch Muslim appeasers.
10:16:36 AM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A Tribute to Infidel

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
A Tribute to Infidel
Dear Fellow bloggers,
Have you realized that we have within this blogsphere a person of truly historical proportions? A certain Infidel has single-handedly defeated Muslims in debate on their pet subject - Islam. Alas, since he is incognito, he can't be publicly honoured. But, like the Phantom, incognito he is invincible.

I call on fellow bloggers to recognize the achievement of Infidel and pay him a tribute. Or do you disagree? Either way, let's dedicate the comments to the one and only INFIDEL.
8:33:45 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

infidel_exposed Wednesday, March 21, 2007 10:25:15 PM
Ur right Mr. Venu Gopal he is indeed incognito...he is a very smart blogger even though he is irrational he makwes it appears that he is right. he uses numerous tricks like commenting in different names, in some name he abuses infidel and in the other he blames muslims for the abuse...LOLhe is really smart...Whay he wont be smart as this is his source of earning that is blogging.Have u noticed one thing that he blogs throughout the day and am surprised by that as how he manges... Is he alone or his entire companies employees.
amardeep Wednesday, March 21, 2007 10:41:10 PM
Did he ever spoke about our countries development , problem other than religious hatred?
javed Wednesday, March 21, 2007 10:47:05 PM
He must be from some christian missionary have some mission of converting all indians to Christianity, and he started with muslims as they ar at receiving end from all sides.But i tell you one thing that his mission is mission impossible and he no tom cruise
confused Wednesday, March 21, 2007 11:00:56 PM
venu, are you praising infidle or making fun of him????
aasif Wednesday, March 21, 2007 11:25:17 PM
superMan Thursday, March 22, 2007 12:40:50 AM
Infidel is a very abusive man but he does not have balls to accept the truth, He is greatest juggler!!Some blogs are entirely his... (meaning the creator and the coments are entirely his) lol
jj Thursday, March 22, 2007 1:50:28 AM
Those who lack the guts to take infi head on resort to abuses and slander. However bitter it is ... truth is truthand the truth is always bitter !!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

A Mohammad we do not know?

Friday, March 16, 2007
A Mohammad we do not know?
I was surprised to come across a quote in Kitab al-Athar, which was the first book composed in Islam after the generation of the Companions of Mohammad, wherein Mohammad was reported as having said, "Do not enforce your own ethics on your children; they have been created for a time other than yours." With this single quote Mohammad comes through as an enlightened one. Is there a Mohammad we do not know?
12:15:41 AM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

man do something els Friday, March 16, 2007 12:26:13 AM
o man get along with life. life is beyong religon crap. when you will die god won't ask you which religion explored. be mature do something real good for society.
K.Venugopal Friday, March 16, 2007 3:31:11 PM
Dear Friend, The idea of "doing something good for society" arises on the experience of some shortcoming. Whatever the shortcoming, it needn't be so. If you are interested in pursuing this thought, we may have a discussion.

yes i am Friday, March 16, 2007 5:50:19 PM
Dear Venu,really would like to know more on that. I didn't get what you mean by "arises on the experience of some shortcoming". if you are trying to find shortcomings in religion than i will say you are wasting your time. Or may be your rich man with plenty of resources around. But for common walking on the road, religion doesnot help much. I am not sure with what context your are saying, i may be wrong or may spot on, not sure. further expalanation will surely help.
sorry sir Friday, March 16, 2007 6:03:22 PM
I am really sorry sir. I was not knowing about you. I should respect elders no matter if I have different opinion about life. I really apologise for my words. Please let forgive, I am like your son's age. Sorry sir again.
I am feeling guilty Friday, March 16, 2007 6:24:59 PM
I don't know but sir I am feeling guilty, for my words.
K.Venugopal Saturday, March 17, 2007 5:40:51 PM
Dear Friend, Your advice to ‘do something good’ rather than discuss religion is understandable. Religions have become mere identity slots because we miss its central teachings of freedom. However, though I admire your call to do something good, what is often missed is that the source of most problems is a sense of lack within us. Religious teachings say that this sense of lack is actually due to ignorance and we are in fact perfect, as is all creation or reality. It is natural for man to search for the reality of himself and his surroundings. However, as usually happens, he is distracted by the external and his concentration remains on the external. This leads him to restlessness because what he really seeks is not in the external. This restlessness, of course, is the source of all problems that inflicts society. What we really want is to be in a restful state and enjoy life to the fullest. This is possible only if we understand our true nature. It is for understanding our true nature that religion prescribes such ‘activities’ as meditation. The lessons of religion, if successfully learnt, will make us spiritual (a state of non-dependence on the external except for physical needs). When we become spiritual we would easily see that the problems in society are largely psychological in nature. They are more problems in the minds than anywhere else and more imagined than anything else. The teachings of religion free us of these psychological problems and hence the importance of religions. Therefore pursuit of religion (not of the identity-slot variety, of course) would lead us to doing good.In fact our ideal once more should be the ideal of the ancient sages – simple living and high thinking.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Muneerka takes a sabbatical!

Sunday, March 11, 2007
Muneerka takes a sabbatical!
Dear Muneerka, Where are you? Did not hear from you after my Shiva Rathri reply to your Valentine’s Day blog. Good that you are taking a sabbatical. Islam is being ripped apart by Infidel. I suggest you study Islam through Sufis. I am unable to recommend you any Sufi because the only Sufi (Sheikh) I knew (through his disciple) was murdered in Sudan. He was known as the Mahatma Gandhi of Africa. Or you may read the writings of Chekkanur Moulavi or listen to the songs of Yusuf Ali Kecheri. Anyway, good luck! Do return and let's have lively discussions.
10:42:06 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Rebound Tuesday, March 13, 2007 8:45:22 AM
Hey Venu, Don't make fun of the kid? He is having torrid time after indulging in an unwanted debate with you and INFIDEL. Let him regain his breath and update his knowledge. Please don't jive at him. He will come back from the sands of middle EAST like a great SAND STORM - uprooting self and all others. COME ON KID, DON'T B DISTRACTED. By the way what r u doing,these days,KID? Hope you have enough reading material?
Infidel Thursday, March 15, 2007 12:57:22 AM
I like your sense of humour, rebound. Muneer is 50+ but behaved no different than ajmal (18). But I would appreciate his honesty when he admitted that he is learning ABC of islam. Indeed, these muslims are brainwashed in such a way that see BLACK AS WHITE AND WHITE AS BLACK if mulla referes that quran says so. Neither mulla nor these zombies ever tried to varify the actual meaning of quran and islam. They blindly believe whatever told to them from childhood (rather in mother's w*mb).i am sure muneer will come back but as an infidel, if he learns islam with open mind(??) and with some logic. If he prepares how to argue with us, he will be sent back to learn again. Falsehood of islam cannot be defended, however hard a zombie try to defend it.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Temple entry for all

Monday, March 5, 2007
Temple entry for all
It was reported in the newspapers that tonnes of food were destroyed in the Jaganath Puri temple because of the entry of a non-Hindu into its premises. I was wondering if the food could not have been distributed amongst the poor.

I feel all temples should be open to all and anyone who enters a temple should respect that particular temple’s customs and traditions. However, it is a fact that many temples hold on to various theories of defilement, from wearing footwear, banning entry to women during menstrual days or even the whole period to not allowing entry to non-Hindus and even to some castes within the Hindu fold. Since Hinduism permits varieties of religious expressions, practices and beliefs, we should not, of course, try to steamroll, homogenize or seek uniformity of temple rules. At the same time, temples should reconsider its rules of defilement to permit anyone who wishes to have a darshan unrestricted entry at least on some specific days. I understand many temples in Kerala suspend any restriction of entry on Utsav days in the temple. Maybe this principle could be applied to all temples.
9:53:42 AM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Allah has no partners but at least one enemy named Satan

Sunday, March 4, 2007
Allah has no partners but at least one enemy named Satan.

[This is in response to Mohammad Irshad Hussain's blog "Transforming concept of one God".]

1. Tawaid means that Allah is without partners. Unfortunately, He has at least one enemy – Satan. I feel more comfortable with a God who has partners rather than enemies.

2. Why is Allah calling upon people to worship Him? What does worship mean in Islamic terms? Why does Allah require such a favour from us?

3. You say all men are creatures of one God and that they are therefore all equal. Is this not subject to the condition that all men convert to Islam?

4. You mention that there are no discriminations based on color, class, race, or territory but you omit to mention that there is no discrimination based on religion in Islam. Is this not a dead giveaway of your “my religion only true religion” stand?

5. You say that humanity is one single family. Do I, a Hindu, also belong to that family? Hinduism’s ‘Vasudeva Kutumbakam’ includes the Muslims too as members of one family.

6. You are in error in saying that man is God’s deputy on earth. No partners, remember? Slaves are not partners, though.

7. You talk about a new order based on what is in the Quran, including Shariat. It calls for death to the idolater and apostate. I vote to have a newer order!
9:08:44 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Sunday, March 4, 2007
Transforming Concept of One God
We find that the universe is like a superbly written, fascinating book - can it be without an author?
Transforming Concept of One God
Tawhid is a transforming concept that constitutes the essence of the teachings of Islam. It means that there is only one supreme Lord of the universe. He is omnipotent, omnipresent and the sustainer of the world and of mankind. Now can one observe the inexhaustible creativity of nature, its purposefulness, its preservation of that which is morally useful and destruction of that which is socially injurious, and yet fail to draw the conclusion that behind nature there is an all-pervading mind of whose incessant creative activity the processes of nature are but outward manifestations? The stars scattered through infinite space, the vast panorama of nature with its charm and beauty, the regular waxing and waning of the moon, the astonishing harmony of the seasons - all of these point towards one fact: there is a God. We witness a superbly flawless plan in the universe - can it be without a planner? We see great enchanting beauty and harmony in its working can they be without a creator? We observe wonderful design in nature can't be without a designer? We feel a lofty purpose in physical and human existence - can it be without a will working behind it? We find that the universe is like a superbly written, fascinating book - can it be without an author? Truly, God said: O, Mankind: worship your Lord, Who created you and those before you, so that you may ward off evil; Who has made the earth a resting place for you, the sky a canopy and Who causes water to pour down from the heavens, thereby producing fruits as food for you. So do not set up rivals to God, when you know better. (Quran 2:21-22) This is the basic tenet to which Muhammad asked humanity to adhere. It is an important metaphysical concept and answers the riddles of the universe. It points to the supremacy of law in the cosmos and the all-pervading unity behind the manifest diversity. It presents a unified view of the world and offers the vision of an integrated universe. It is a mighty contrast to the piecemeal views of the scientists and the philosophers and unveils the truth before the human eye. After centuries of groping in the dark, man is now coming to realize the truth of this concept, and modern scientific thought is moving in this direction. But it is not merely a metaphysical concept: it is a dynamic belief and a revolutionary doctrine. It means that all men are the creatures of one God and that they are therefore all equal. Any discrimination based on color, class, race, or territory is unfounded and illusory. It is a remnant of the days of ignorance that chained men down to servitude. Humanity is one single family under God, and there can be no sanction for those barriers. Men are one - and not bourgeois or proletarian, white or black, Aryan or non-Aryan, westerner or easterner. Islam gives us a revolutionary concept of the unity of mankind. The Prophet came to unite humanity on the word of God, which says: Cling firmly together by means of God's rope, and do not be divided. Remember God's favor towards you when you were enemies; He united your hearts so that you became brothers because of His favor. (Quran 3:103) This concept also defines the true position of man in the universe. It says that God is the Creator and the Sovereign, while man is His vicegerent on the earth. This exalts man to the noble and dignified position of being God's deputy on earth and endows his life with a lofty purpose: to fulfill the will of God on earth. This will solve all the perplexing problems of human society and establish a new order wherein equity and justice, as well as peace and prosperity, will reign supreme. The starting point of Islam is the belief in the oneness of God (tawhid).

6:43:59 PM
Posted By
Mohammed Irshad Hussain Comments (2) Society

Infidel Sunday, March 4, 2007 9:29:04 PM
Great reply Venu. I admire.1)No partener for god!! LOL.In crap quran, allah (read mo) forgot this and mentioned "WE" for himself. Who are they? Allah didn't know that he should use "I". He also used HE and ALLAH, THEY in quran for himself. Sufficient to prove that quran was wrote by pedo MO.2)Allah is so arrogant and egoistic that whoever refuses islam, he prders to kill him, and moreover his anger doesn't go away by that, he will burn them in hellfire for eternity. What a pathetic god allah is!!

Infidel Sunday, March 4, 2007 9:40:39 PM
5) This is a lie. Ummah is one family not humanity as per islam. So no question of infidels to be a part of that family. They are the worst enemies of muslims.6)In islam, all muslims are slaves of allah (actually of pedo MO). Allah is MO's alter ego. What a shame for muslims to worship pedophile MO. Remember PBUH all the times.7)New order is actually 7th century barbarism. Islam doesn't allow civilised world, democracy, secularism, freedom and advancement. Everything is in comic book quran. Why you should go beyond it, it's allah last word. He forgot to speak after crap quran. LOL
Infidel Sunday, March 4, 2007 9:48:47 PM
3) If all men (what about women) are creature of one god, why he has to punish them, if they use their brain? As per islam, before birth god already decided that who will be muslim and who will be infidel. Also he already decided that whether an infidel will convert to islam or not. It is allah sole decision and nobody has any interference in that. So allah punishes infidels for his own decision, how rediculous!!4)There is a discrimination in islam, venu. Believer and nonbelievers. Later are the worst creatures and should be killed in this life and should burn in hellfire for etrnity. What a shameful cult islam is!!