Sunday, January 14, 2007

Swami Vivekananda - The Prince of Awakened India

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Friday, January 12, 2007
Swami Vivekananda - The Prince of Awakened India
Swami Vivekananda brought to international focus the spiritual content of India's ancient religions. Swamiji's speeches at the World Parliament of Religions were a turning point in the history of religions and the brightest began to see religion as a journey to discover the divine in us rather than an aggrandisement of identities. He began the Vedantic revolution in the modern age and his work has begun bearing fruit on a wider scale when the world, on the brink of clash of civilisations, is beginning to see the value of Hinduism’s vision of inclusiveness rather than exclusiveness. To Swami Vivekananda shall the world refer to more and more as it seeks the light to tread upon the path towards the familyhood of all mankind – Vasudeva Kuttumbakam.

Swami Vivekananda - the Prince of Awakened India!
6:54:10 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

1 comment:

hello said...

nice post. swami vivekananda has so much wisdom. you can read some quotes by swami vivekananda at and what he has to say about the vedanta's message at