Saturday, February 3, 2007
Is he who is an enemy to others also an enemy to Allah?
I am quoting herebelow verse 98 of Chapter 2 of the Quran, which Swami Dayananda Saraswati took up for comment in his book Light of Truth.
Whoso is an enemy to Allah or his angels or to Gabriel or to Michael, shall have Allah for his enemy, for verily Allah is an enemy to infidels.
To which Swamiji commented as below:
Where does this host of partners come from, if, as the Muslims say, Allah is one without a partner? Is he who is an enemy to others also an enemy to Allah? This can never be true, since God is an enemy to none.
Has the Swamiji quoted and commented out of context? Since it is the basic premise of the Quran that Allah has no partners, why has Allah mentioned the Angels, Gabriel and Michael, as on par with Him in this verse? Who is the enemy Allah has who would threaten all of them together? Satan?
11:38:14 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized
muneerudeen Saturday, February 3, 2007 11:34:48 PM
Firstly Verse 98 is continuation of Verse 97 in the context of revealing the Quran through the Angel Gibreel to the Prophet.And Verse 101-103 continues about the enemy at that time was -the ones to whom had come an Apostle and they threw away thier book- and folowed the evil ones who taugh magic and sowed discord !
sunYaMan Saturday, February 3, 2007 11:36:26 PM
This is just stupid blog!!This is like trying to read english without knowing ABCD.I never expected from VENU
muneerudeen Saturday, February 3, 2007 11:43:16 PM
In such a context -whoever threw away the guide book before and now prevented the Prophet or the Angels from performiing the orders of ALLAH-surely they are enemies of ALLAH ! If Swami Dayanandji OR Venuji were present at that situation - this statement would apply to them as well ! (PLEASE-PLEASE_ DO NOT READ THE QUR'AN OUT OF CONTEXT !)
muneerudeen Saturday, February 3, 2007 11:46:17 PM
The Qur'an is NOT a dictionary to pick iut words or meaning or phrases or paragraphs ! It has to be read and understood in context with its revealation- and IF ANY later Verses were revealed subsequently in time (NOT LATER CHAPTERS) - or again if any direction is given in the practices of the SUNNAh of the prophet of ISLAM - ! This is just like the quickfix "Triple Talaq" judgement of a Mumbai COurt !
muneerudeen Saturday, February 3, 2007 11:48:59 PM
Islam does not allow 'Triple Talaq" in ONE GO- OR one sitting ! Sharia Laws dont allow that- BUT the black sheep and Politicians of all colors get the unlawful Fatwas- to widen their political base ! This is NOT ISLAM - This is hinduised Islam !To suit the politicians -Nothing more !
muneerudeen Saturday, February 3, 2007 11:52:42 PM
Now Venu- Your name is linked with Swami Dayanandji-in this blog ! Does that maje you a partner of Swamiji-OR does it even raise you to his status ? NO.
muneerudeen Sunday, February 4, 2007 12:16:48 AM
Similarly -The Angels were carrying the message of Allah to HIS Prophet and if anyone sowed discord or created problems for this Command-THEN they are the enemies of ALLAH. That is what the Chapter 2 Section 12 Verses 97 to 103 says !
muneerudeen Sunday, February 4, 2007 12:20:56 AM
Venu !Please ,Please DO NOT PICK CHERRIES IN THE QUR"AN ! It contains Advice-Admonishment LAW-Punishment-Faith-Disbeleif-Angels-Devil-Sun-Moon-Right-Wrong-Male-Female-everything. So you have to harvest ALL the Cherries and then SORT them out ! I think you got my point =??
infidel Sunday, February 4, 2007 12:37:15 AM
Muneer, You must agree that god is the creator and we all are his creation.God is omniscient and all powerful, do you really think he has an enimy, specially such tiny creatures like we humans?Why god has to consider his own creations as his enemy at first place? The most merciful, the god should forgive everybody, even if one refuses to accept god's word? Otherwise he is not most merciful and hence not god. Otherwise what is the difference between we human and the god?
muneerudeen Sunday, February 4, 2007 1:07:48 AM
That is the beuauty of the Creator ! He waits for YOU to ask for forgivness earnestly -And he forgives him who asks for MERCY !EveryMercy Petition with ALLAH is granted - so long as it is earnest and from the heart ! HE knows what is in our hearts !Thats the Prasadam from Our Lord !Not just Puja Paat !
muneerudeen Sunday, February 4, 2007 1:10:12 AM
Again you misunderstand ! The enemy in that verse are those who blasphemed against King Solomon-threw away the covenents-perverse-evil people-friends of the Devil !They would again be enemies of ALLAH if they prevented the Angels from conveying HIS WORDS to the Prophet . As for Mercy-you dont get it unless you REPENT and ASK for it !ALLAH is only waiting !
infidel Sunday, February 4, 2007 1:22:01 AM
You didn't understand muneer.How can anybody prevent angels to convey allah's word to muhammad? Do we tiny humans have that power to go against allah will and his angel's wish? think upon it. If god is waiting for mercy pretition, I will ask for mercy as an infidel, will he grant? You actually can not say about god's decision, he knows the best, not you, right muneer?
infidel Sunday, February 4, 2007 1:24:55 AM
A human can have enemy but god cannot have an enemy? Even if he has one, that can not be tiny humans like us.Do you think me as your enemy and that of muhammad's and hence of allah's as I am questioning THE WORD OF ALLAH and not submitting myself to islam?PS: Please answer, don't avoid. It has become your practise to avoid question asked to you and move on another topic.
muneerudeen Sunday, February 4, 2007 2:05:04 AM
Infi !You are forgetting that the receipent of the Qur'an is a human-Prophet Muhammed pbuh. (Oh your theory is different -I forgot).If YOU honestly with clean mind & heart ask for MERCY- Allah WILL grant IT ! It is HIS OWN WORD and HE -YOUR CREATOR_ WILL NOT FAIL YOU ! TRY it !
infidel Sunday, February 4, 2007 2:08:19 AM
So muneer, I can ask mercy from god with pure heart as an infidel till death and he will forgive, right. Fine with me.How enemy of muhammad became enemy of god? You are not answering the question that why god has to have an enemy? only muhammad had enemies, not god.
muneerudeen Sunday, February 4, 2007 2:08:41 AM
No-You are questioning-Debating-talking-judging- thats not an enemy ! Its those with hate-fear-sin-envy-lie-and above all treacherous people -who are enemies. A person questioning the faith can NEVER be an enemy- ! Even Venu inspite of his utterences of blowing up a mosque-is not my enemy-TILL HE COMMITS THAT DASTARDLY ACT !
muneerudeen Sunday, February 4, 2007 2:11:13 AM
Infi- I never avoid any question- BUT you have no right to question what is between me and MY LORD ! I dont pray-fast-read quran or do charity for you to see ! So dont expect me to reply to those questions ! OK.? Anything else I will answer !
muneerudeen Sunday, February 4, 2007 3:38:52 AM
infidel Sunday, February 4, 2007 7:03:40 AM
muneer, keep on suspecting untill you prove. Like I am one of the cartoon mahers, I am with NDTV, I am both infidel and Infidel2 and so on. I can't help you in that. Sorry
infidel Sunday, February 4, 2007 7:47:20 AM
Actually muneer you avoided many questions. For example 1)In your opinion who is right - Muhammad or Drs Naik/Morres regarding quranic stages of embryology? muhammad said alaqa is 40-60 days and mudghah is 80-120 days but Dr Naik/Moore say alaqa is 23-24 days and mudghah is 27-28 days. presuming that muhammad being your prophet, he cannot be wrong does this implies that Dr naik/moore are wrong? Please answer this time.
infidel Sunday, February 4, 2007 7:52:08 AM
2) Do you see a 7-week fetus and stage 23 fetus in fig providedd in previous blogs, as clots?Its not a sc. question but see and tell one. I hope you know how a clot looks like. Now tell me "are they really look like clot or more like human baby (with hands, legs, head all in developing state)?Now keep your words that you never avoid any question and answer these 2 questions first.then more to come
K.Venugopal Tuesday, February 6, 2007 8:56:44 AM
Dear Muneerka,You say “the enemy was the ones to whom had come an Apostle and they threw away their book and followed the evil ones who taught magic and sowed discord” Is this not tantamount saying that those who did not follow a particular book were seen as enemy and their path characterized as erroneous and discordant? The same intolerance for which Islam is even now being charged.When you talk of preventing the Prophet or the Angels from performing the orders of Allah, what is implied is that such orders should never be questioned and everyone should submit right away, otherwise Allah will act on charges of obstruction. You talk about reading the Quran not according to order of the chapters but according to the order of the dates of revelation of the texts. Does this mean that the chapters in the Quran were arranged arbitrarily?No doubt the Quran contains a lot of things and no doubt the Quran is a great book or even the greatest according to its followers. But does that invalidate other scriptures and don’t others have the right to consider their own scriptures as the best? In Hindu culture this is allowed and therefore all scriptures ever written are extant because Hinduism is underscored by the principle of live and let live. In Islamic culture, not even the books said to have been sent by Allah earlier are extant (for instance, not the Bible, which Islam believes is a corrupted version, but the Injil, the original Bible.)When you say Infi has no right to question what is between you and your Lord, I say that is the whole issue. Mohammad sought to question what was between the idol worshippers and the idols. Mohammad did not give them any rights, but you ask for rights in the name of Islam.
infidel Tuesday, February 6, 2007 10:26:29 AM
Very well said venu.In islamic terminology, a person is called innocent till he is not asked to convert. Once he is asked to convert (read asked to come to the right path, shown divine book, shown the light of the true religion etc)he is no more innocent. He has been shown the truth and has to accept it else you know what. And "No compulsion in religion" and Islam means "peace and tolerance". You got my point.Whenever you see some muslim saying "Islam forbids murder of innocent" just remember the islamic meaning of innocent.
muneerudeen Saturday, February 10, 2007 1:14:33 AM
Venu & Infi !You guys cannot be "Innocent" when you are asking questions fowarded by your swami ! So can I address you (all) as infidels or apostates or enemis of Islam ! BUT go on let your 160 discourses come up-I will answer whatever I can. And those I dont know-I will NOT even attempt to answer till I study that ! OK ? Like in Arabic Bahar means Sea & Ardh means earth !-They dont mean land per se!
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