Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Questioning the very first words of Allah.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Questioning the very first words of Allah.
Swami Dayanand Saraswati, founder of Arya Samaj and author of ‘Light of Truth’, is a famous historical personage. In Light of Truth, written over 100 years ago, he has in the 14th chapter examined Islam through the words of the Quran. He starts with the very first words of the Quran:

1. In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.


The Muslims claim that this Quran is the Word of God, but it appears from the above passage that the author of this book was some person other than God, since had it been God himself, He would not have said: “(I begin this book) in the name of God etc.” He would have, instead, said: “I write this book for the instruction of mankind.” If it be said that by beginning His book in this fashion He means to teach men as to what they should say when about to do a thing, it cannot be true, since some men will do even sinful deeds in the name of God and thereby bring disgrace on Him. If Allah be merciful, why has He sanctioned that men should inflict great suffering on other creatures by killing them for their food? Are not these other animals innocent? Are they not His creatures? He should have also advised men to begin only good deeds in His name and not evil ones. Thus the passage (under discussion) is quite ambiguous. Should even such sinful acts as theft, adultery, untruthfulness in speech, be begun in God’s name? Very likely it is on account of this ambiguity that the Muslim butchers etc, mutter “In the name of Allah, the compassionate, the most merciful” at the moment of cutting the throats of cows and other animals.”

It is clear then that the Muslims do begin even evil deeds in the name of God. The Muslim God can never be called Merciful, because He shows no mercy towards those animals (whose slaughter He sanctions). If the Muslims do not know the true meaning of this passage, its revelation is of no use to mankind. But if the Muslims interpret it differently, we should like to know what its plain meaning is.

There are over 160 such commentaries on verses and assumptions in the Quran by the Swamiji. While I do not intend to quote all of Swamiji’s commentaries, I would, off and on, quote further commentaries, if I am permitted by my fellow-bloggers to do so. I must also add that Swamiji has thoroughly ‘critiqued’ Hinduism and Christianity too in Light of Truth, not on a mission of fault finding, but simply as an expression of his point of view with malice to none. Swamiji, as is well-known, was a champion of the Vedas and interpreted it with uncompromising scholarship.
7:27:04 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

VINOD Tuesday, January 30, 2007 7:30:42 PM
HiToday's world is in crisis because of books and interpretations about God. Best thing is to stop interpretations since all languages have limitations and days going by also changes the understanding of words of speech.Tiday in the name of God and belief's men are killing each other.vinod
Infidel Tuesday, January 30, 2007 7:41:22 PM
Excellent post, Venu. I appreciate.I quote from your post:"The Muslim God can never be called Merciful, because He shows no mercy towards those animals".Why only animals? Allah doesn't show any mercy towards kafirs/nonmuslims/idolators (Convert or die), a little mercy towards people of book (giving one more option of dimmitude).And followers of muhammad are slaughtering each other from just after his death to till date, in the name of allah, the most merciful and most companssonate, the all knowing only true god.
RADHAKRISHNAN.C Tuesday, January 30, 2007 9:22:13 PM
Good response from infidel to your post Venu.Keep it up
muneerudeen Friday, February 2, 2007 12:37:00 AM
VENU ! What stupidity YOU and your Swami utter. The first words of the Quran revealed by the Arch Angel Gabriel to Prophet Mohammed was " IQRA !- Read ! Bismi Rabbik ! In the name of your creator ! Unless you understand the Qur'ans revealation and compilation- You cannot understand Venu Swamiji !
muneerudeen Friday, February 2, 2007 12:40:32 AM
As for the only Chapter which does not start "In the name of ALLAH" -its called "Tauba" same in Hindi- Repentence ! All other subjects come under the instructions of ALLAH to man ! Only Tauba -Seking Forfiveness is left for Man. And HE forgives-He is merciful to forgive you for your sins-BIG and small BUT only if you SEEK forgiveness !
muneerudeen Friday, February 2, 2007 12:44:13 AM
Killing among humans is by Politicians -statesmen- for GREED - Money. Even the first killing of Prophet Adam's' son Habal of his own brother Cabal was human jealousy !And GOD through a crow- showed him how to bury the body and be merciful even after that crime! That is the mercy Allah talks about !
muneerudeen Friday, February 2, 2007 12:45:27 AM
Kiling among humans is by Politcians -statesmen- for GREED - Money. Even the first killing of Prophet Adam's' son Habal of his own brother Cabal was human jealousy !And GOD through a crow- showed him how to bury the body and be merciful even after that crime! That is the mercy Allah talks about !
muneerudeen Friday, February 2, 2007 12:46:03 AM
Kiling among humans is by Politc ians -statesmen- for GREED - Money. Even the first killing of Propet Adam's' son Habal of his own brother Cabal was human jealousy !And GOD through a crow- showed him how to bury the body and be merciful even after that crime! That is the mercy Allah talks about !
muneerudeen Friday, February 2, 2007 12:53:06 AM
Venuji- I would like to hear more about Swamiji deciphering the words of ALLAH - And I am sure I can correct your MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT ISLAM ! So go ahead create a blog everyday and I shall reply -in plain english -So all can read ! OK ???
muneerudeen Friday, February 2, 2007 12:57:07 AM
Seek forgiveness and it shall be accepted by ALLAH-that is the admonishment for all-even Muslims,.Just prayer or Charity OR HAjj OR Fasting will not complete ISLAM unless YOU Accept ALLAH and seek forgiveness from HIM !If a Muslim does all the above BUT is too pompous to seek forgiveness from Allah- he will surely go to HELL !
muneerudeen Friday, February 2, 2007 12:59:48 AM
Infi infi Infi ! I did not think your arguments were so shallow ! Mercy is for man not animals. It is man who kills NOT ALLAH ! -either for food-or for sport-or sheer vanity ! He tramples ants out of sheer power. If it were the work of ALLAH then surely-Allah can make all the elephants crush Humans to pulp ! THINK !
muneerudeen Friday, February 2, 2007 1:10:07 AM
Killing of Animals for food- by cutting the throat-though it looks barbaric- is to safeguard the health of the HUMAN-which is the best of GOD's Ccreation! By the removal of blood by cutting the jugular vein- the meat is hygenic without blood in it and fit to eat !No other reason-Is it NOT cruelty- to beat an animal to pull a man or a cart ??Why dont you condemn that ! !

Infidel Friday, February 2, 2007 6:04:05 PM
Muneer, what you are trying to say contain a vaste topic of debate. It cannot be done in a blog or two. You know that presently I am having debate with Human & Learner, the core issue is quran so far. We will be moving to islam, muhammad, allah in due course of time, if that debate continues. I cannot debate or comment at all the places at the same time, I have some limitaions too, specially availability of time. So have some patience and we will discuss this soon.
K.Venugopal Friday, February 2, 2007 9:28:52 PM
Muneerka, The Swamiji was considering the Quran. The first words of the Quran is what I have quoted. The words you have quoted may have been the first words of Allah to Mohammad, but they are certainly not the first or any of the words of the Quran. Please clarify.
K.Venugopal Friday, February 2, 2007 9:34:14 PM
Vinod, There's point in what you say. Nevertheless, language is such that it inspires us to express and enjoy expressions.
K.Venugopal Friday, February 2, 2007 9:39:01 PM
Dear Muneerka, Please tell me about the only chapter which does not start with the words "In the name of ALLAH" and why.
K.Venugopal Friday, February 2, 2007 10:00:53 PM
Dear Muneerka, You said "Even the first killing of Prophet Adam's son Habal of his own brother Cabal was human jealousy! And GOD through a crow - showed him how to bury the body and be merciful even after that crime! That is the mercy Allah talks about!" If Allah had inculcated mercy in Cabal, Habal would not have been murdered. Then He shows the murderer how to bury the body. Was it mercy too late?
K.Venugopal Friday, February 2, 2007 10:02:21 PM
Dear Muneerka, I would not find any need to seek forgiveness from God, who would in any case not be disturbed by even my most heinous crime. I would in such a situation allow the consequences to overtake me and not be a coward and escape the consequences via God.
K.Venugopal Friday, February 2, 2007 10:19:51 PM
Dear Muneerka, Why do you say, "Mercy is for man not animals"? Allah is ready to show mercy to man if he begs for forgiveness. Does He not show mercy to animals because they do not know how to beg for mercy?Jains and Brahmins teach not to kill animals for food, whichever way. Why don't you accept that such teachings are more humane than the Quranic permission to kill animals for food?

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