Monday, February 12, 2007

Muneerka's Valentine's Day blog and some thoughts.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Muneerka's Valentine's Day blog and some thoughts.
Dear Muneerka, What you are saying in essence is that no one should question Islam in its onward march to world conquest. You are repeating a lie many times in the hope that it will stick on me, in spite of the fact that you yourself quoted my denial. However, let me remind you that all over the world the face of terrorism is today Islam. If you want to live in peace, it is this image that must change. But instead you have the guts to ask Hindus not to question your religion and live in a censored situation, as prevails in all Muslim countries in the world.

You talk about secularism. Do you know that secularism means accepting that there are many paths to God.? Does Islam believe in this? So why don't you preach secularism in Islamic countries instead of exploiting secularism in India? You talk about Gujarat riots. Why do you deny it began after a bogey full of Hindu pilgrims were burnt to death by Muslim fanatics? Who has been putting bombs all over India? Hindus? Why, who put the bombs in Malegoan mosque? All reports indicate the Muslims did it. Your enemy is not the RSS but your Pakistani masters.

You are displaying your anger over a few blogs written. Then you better imagine the anger Hindus have for all the terrorist activities in India in the name of Islam. Kashmir is a Muslim majority country and they have passed the Shariat there. This proves that Muslims do not prefer to live under a secular constitution.

In short, what you want is to impose censorship on any questioning of Islam, which proclaims that it is the only true religion and other religions are not valid. Due to terrorism, today’s issue is Islam. To suggest that no one should respond to the issues of the day is to fear discussion. And if for you standing by your religion is more important than anything else, it will do well to remember that others too have religions and beliefs, though Islam may not credit them to be genuine.
10:03:23 AM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

muneerudeen Tuesday, February 13, 2007 9:53:09 AM
And as for you pal Infi-he is a bigger liar. He picks all his articles from Anti Islam sites-right from the first one by Newman and he also thinks that he is smarter than others by a sick Questionnaire he put on the blog. Such a fake and he talks about the Prophet as if he saw him in person. Yes he will one day see our prophet when Infi burns on his funeral pyre !
muneerudeen Tuesday, February 13, 2007 9:55:29 AM
Take this example.Your boss is paying you overtime to work at night as a stenographer.And what do you do? Spend your time on the blogs and claim overtime from him.Even in daytime you blog on HIS time.Shows your character Mr Vedantist Venu !Can you refute this !
muneerudeen Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:09:46 AM
All my comments get rearranged in the wrong order.The last comment was posted first and the first comment was posted last among the first three comments.Will be back with more
muneerudeen Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:09:47 AM
You are again couching your words and denying your comments on Gary Kristens blog. You are a very big LIAR VENU !As for Islam conquering the WORLD-it will weather you like it or not.So you say Gujerat was a reply to Godhra. What if you guys planned it and burned the bogey with a few ram Bhats.Thats what the commission report said.So only what you say counts-others dont ?
K.Venugopal Tuesday, February 13, 2007 3:00:14 PM
Dear Muneerka, I do not get any overtime, nor do I work at night as a stenographer. I have excellent relations with my boss and all of us have the liberty to blog as they please. So what's your problem?

K.Venugopal Tuesday, February 13, 2007 3:19:34 PM
Dear Muneerka, Would the riots in Gujarat have taken place if the Godhra incident did not take place? Who burnt the train bogey in Godhra? Who are all the people arrested for it? Muslims. Who are all the people who have been charged for burning the train? Muslims. Have any Hindus been arrested for burning the train? No.

RADHAKRISHNAN.C Tuesday, February 13, 2007 5:26:23 PM
No body wants to talk about Godhra.But only talk about rioting and the aftermath.Had Godhra not happened then what followed wouldnt have happened.Simply blaming others is not going to bring any peace
Infidel Tuesday, February 13, 2007 6:56:23 PM
No muneer, I never saw muhammad and don't even want to. But did you see him? May be in your "Hallucination".Its not me but your SAHIH HADITHS are talking about your holy prophet that he was a PEDOPHILE.NOw, do you mean HADITHS are also anti islamic, what a pity, muneer?Not "Sick questionnairre" but the real questions which you cannot and will not answer for whole your life. You can only do bad arguments but can NEVER refute my claims, I repeat, NEVER.Did you count how many times the words are in quran for land, sea, man and woman? OR still stuck on a typo-mistake bahar in place of barr.Go, get up and search your arabic quran and count these words and show yourself whether they are 13 for land, 32 for sea, 24 each for man and woman.And prove to yourself that you are the biggest liar on this blogsphere.
K.Venugopal Tuesday, February 13, 2007 7:44:47 PM
Dear Infidel, You are the right antidote to Muneerka who is all sound and fury but no substance.

muneerudeen Tuesday, February 13, 2007 11:28:18 PM
It is people like you ,Infidel & Venu who will drive me to such actions BUT till then hold your words ! OK ? What business have you guys to go after our Prophet ? What muslims believe is their business NOT yours .We dont butt into your temples or question your puja paat ! Its when you start we retaliate.
muneerudeen Tuesday, February 13, 2007 11:35:46 PM
I will never answer that infidel WHO is the worst enemy of ISLAM .His fate we will all hear very soon and then we will debate the happenings ! Ask him to Sleep well for the next few days TILL one when he will see things and never wake up !Now I am permitted to say that he is the worst scum on earth.
muneerudeen Tuesday, February 13, 2007 11:46:15 PM
As for substance I have seen your LOVE debates since August last year And always blasting your Venu Veda which everyone should listen to.You Sadhus go stick to your level of Sadhus and Sanyasis OK ? Dont turn on our Prophet like Infidel.You will soon hear about his fate ! Its sealed !
muneerudeen Tuesday, February 13, 2007 11:57:58 PM
There is no antidote for Infidels poisonous mind ! He is the worst scum on earth and the 21st Century Abu jahil. Some people may NOT agree with my attitude BUT its what is due to Abu Jahil of the 21st Century.He has taken on my wrath for abusing OUR prophet and ISLAM My enemies have never escaped me ! He is my enemy No 1.
Infidel Wednesday, February 14, 2007 12:29:05 AM
Great muneer, so you finally removed your hypocricy mask and declared openly that I am your enemy No. 1. Thanks buddy.Again, let me make it clear that it is not me but your own SAHIH HADITHS who say that your HOLY PRophet was a PEDOPHILE. Why to curse and abuse me? What I did? I didn't wrote or compiled HADITHS, nor wrote the HOLY QURAN.I am just quoting your HOLY QURAN AND HADITHS, that's it.It was Ayesha, who narreted in referred HADITHS and not me.So either curse Muhammad and Ayesha for their deeds if you can or the writer of QURAN AND HADITHS. Not me, okay.

Shersingh Thursday, February 15, 2007 12:02:07 AM
Dear Venu and Radha, Goddhra was a crime against humanity, but does Hinduism condone the murder of innocent women and children in retaliation?
K.Venugopal Thursday, February 15, 2007 10:18:36 PM
Dear Shersingh, There is no question of condoning violence. We must pay for violence, whatever our motive or reason. In the Mahabharatha war in the end everyone pays for it one way or the other because they indulged in violence, albeit some for Dharma. This is like all actions, even good actions, being bound by karma. Nevertheless, in the immediacy of a situation, violence is ofttimes inevitable. A truly spiritual person will have no reason to defend his life even if attacked for negative reasons. But to maintain the eternal harmony that is Dharma, the heroic ones become an instrument in the hands of spiritual forces, just as Arjuna took to violence to quell the rampaging violence of Duryodhana. “Ushnam ushname shanti.”
K.Venugopal Thursday, February 15, 2007 10:21:31 PM
Read the last line: . . . just as Arjuna took to violence to quell the rampaging violence of Duryodhana under the guidance of Krishna.

Shersingh Friday, February 16, 2007 1:46:37 AM
Dear Venu, for all your sophistry, there is a fundamental difference. In the Mahabhrata, Arjun fought against the very people (and their army) who had done wrong. In Gujarat, the violence was directed not at the people who committed the atrocities at Godhra, but at innocent women and children who had nothing to do with Godhra, other than being Muslim. Even Krishna must have wept to see this done in His name.

K.Venugopal Friday, February 16, 2007 9:06:07 PM
Dear Shersingh, What you say is right, even Krishna must have wept. What happened in Godhra and its consequence was a tragedy. The guilty ones are those who set fire to the train bogeys. All reports have suggested that it was Muslims who set the fire. Am I saying therefore it was right for Hindus to have attacked innocent Muslims? Never. Alas, we are not simply individuals without communal identity tags, though spirituality ought to lead us to be individuals without any community tag. But how many have reached this level? At least at the Vedanta teaches this. Unfortunately, Islam no where teaches you can be an ideal individual without being a member of the Muslim community. Unlike Vedanta, Islam does not liberate the individual from all identities but seeks to trap the individual in a communal identity (I use communal in the sense of community). This has, historically, caused the hardening of communal identities of non-Muslims also. So long as these identities remain, in a communal riot the guilty is not an individual, but the 'other' community, including innocents. Kurukshetra was not communal in nature, but Dharmic in nature, that is, violence to uphold righteousness and harmony – and it needed divinity personfied in the form of Krishna to execute it.

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