Saturday, June 02, 2007

Who is the author of Quran?

Saturday, June 2, 2007
Who is the author of Quran?
The thesis that Quran is authored by Mohammad, popularized in this blogsphere by Infidel, is, from the Hindu point of view (not counting the Hindu view held out of courtesy and respect for others' beliefs) is correct because according to Hinduism, an individual rises to greater understanding through a rise in consciousness and for such a rise he pursues meditation, which is exactly what Mohammad did in the caves of Mount Herat. However, what is unique about Mohammad is that he appears to have had lapses from these higher consciousness, during which period he went to war with all and sundry to spread his religion (which is a surprise because he did not get the whole message of his religion till a period of 23 years – i.e., till the last year of his life - so what religion was he actually fighting for in between?).

We go into ourselves in meditation and discover the higher truths. Those truths written down form scriptures. And the teachings based on such scriptures form religions. Therefore, though the content of the Quran is divine and is from the source of divinity, i.e. Allah, we would not be wrong in saying that the medium of its expression, Mohammad, is its author. The authors of different scriptures being different, the style and history of different scriptures will vary, though the content or essence of all scriptures are the same – insights into the divine. While Mohammad’s insights kept coming over a period of 23 years (being interspersed with Mohammad’s lapses from high consciousness, reflected in the Quran through verses that seem quite Satanic, like the call for murder of non-believers, or sanctifying 4 wives etc.), Sant Janeshwar, for example, completed his scripture Janeshwari by his 15th birthday and never suffered any lapses.

The words of the Quran, therefore, are not Allah’s, maybe not even Mohammad’s but of the companions who transcribed it. Mohammad, being illiterate, did not do any proof-reading.

As to Quran being perfect, with not a comma changed over the last 1,400 years – well, the jury is out on that. Actually, a proper jury has been constituted only after the advent of the internet!
4:10:57 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Infidel Sunday, June 3, 2007 8:12:24 AM
Kudos Venu. You are simply great. Only a person pure at heart like you can write such a blog. Congrats.I quote you:"so what religion was he actually fighting for in between?"He himself didn't know. LOL. On second thought, he was fighting to get power, wealth, sex slaves, revenge to his enemies and to fullfil of his nasty desires.One more time I quote you:"Actually, a proper jury has been constituted only after the advent of the internet! "Very true. Now muslims cannot behead us and they cannot take our wives and children as slaves, because they cannot access us.And don't forget, Internet was invented by infidels, not a single iota of it is mentioned in crap quran. Guess what, the all knowing allah didn't know that infidels like us will rip apart islam over internet. LOL.

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