Friday, June 08, 2007

The "Nothing-to-do Man" - a challenge to all activists

Friday, June 8, 2007
The “Nothing-to-do Man” – a challenge to all activists.
I had a few days back posted a blog quoting the “Nothing-to-do Man”’s letter upon retirement. In these days when people feel more restless upon retirement than when they were gainfully employed, he is an odd-man-out. Aren’t we ever trying to do more and more so as to gain more, whether monetary-wise, fame-wise or popularity-wise? But here’s this guy, who is well educated, was in a senior well-paid position in a leading oil-company in the Middle East, well liked by whoever came across him, turning down equally good offers that came to him to continue aboard, moving away from it all for the quietude of a spiritual life, without, of course, absconding from any of his family commitments. How does one live without doing anything?

Since this gentleman is not onto activity of any kind, except talking kindly whenever the philosophy of life is discussed in his presence (and of course, being dutifully of help to his wife in running the household!), we will have to coax him into becoming a blogger. That, I think, would enrich the discourse on this blogsphere.

In an attempt to coax him, I call upon bloggers to write as to whether they feel that in order to be happy, we have to be doing one thing or the other. This, I think, would provide him the ‘ammunition’ to come abroad on this blogsphere and point out the alternative. I assure you, then, we shall hear a voice of a different kind.
4:54:23 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

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