Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Guru Gobind Singh - trapped in the clergy’s rut.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Sonia Gandhi as Goddess Durga, Ram Rahim Singh as Guru Govind Singh, Da Vinci character as Jesus Christ and a cartoon as Mohammad. Do these enactions infringe on the sacred space of communities? Or should we take these as depictions of the sacred to convey a contemporary message, even if political? Just as metaphor is the sustenance of language, expressions are the dynamism of life. No idea or expression should be inamenable to further expressions of whatever nature. Sonia Gandhi as Durga need not agitate the Hindus (and, admirably, they are largely not agitated) because for the Hindus expressions of the divine are endless and multitudinous and Sonia Gandhi, or Vasundhara Raje, however much we may detest their politics, have divinity in them as anyone else and there is no harm if someone express this fact even if in a not-so-original way. However, it is unfortunate that many are unable to see the matter in this light. They feel that divinity is interpretable only as authorized by its official clergy. They don’t believe in freedom of expression. The fallout we might see sooner than later as the Sikhs refuse to pardon Ram Rahim Singh for his ‘indiscretion’ in imitating Guru Gobind Singh (never mind that imitation is the best form of flattery). All that may be left to express (officially or unofficially) might be the consequent dance of death.
4:10:32 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Surya Wednesday, June 27, 2007 5:40:16 PM
Isn't it ironical that people tolerate artistes portraying deities and legends in films and serials but object vociferously when people in public service are portrayed as such by their fans and followers?

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Lead, kindly light of Fatwa!

Friday, June 22, 2007

At last here is a fatwa that I, a Hindutva-wadi, support. Christians too should ponder over this fatwa. But most of all, Hindu opinion makers should take the cue from these Muslims and declare that caste politics is no longer an option for Hindu unity and the entire Hindu society shall rise as one to uplift all socially, economically and educationally backward Hindus without the outdated, divisive caste-based reservation.

Here’s what the Fatwa is about:

Six powerful seminaries, which have influence among at least two thirds of the 68 lakh Muslims in the state (AP), have said that all are equal in Islam and there is no caste system.
“Muslims all over the world are equal. There is no distinction of caste, colour or race among them. Therefore, creating distinction for reservations is improper under the Shariat,” said the fatwa from Jamia Nizamia, the 125-year-old Islamic university based in Hyderabad.
“Islam has no caste system and the government’s move is nothing but an attempt to divide Muslims,” said Moulana Hameeduddin Auqil Hussami, the chief priest of the Mecca Mosque, the scene of a bomb carnage last month.
The copies of the fatwa were released at a media conference addressed by leaders of Muslim United Action Committee, made of half-a-dozen religious, political and social organisations that had sought the opinion of the seminaries. Hussami is the convener of the committee.
The clerics said reservations should be provided to Muslims who are socially, economically and educationally backward without dividing them on the basis of any caste or “biradaries”.

12:10:19 AM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

India - a sad plight?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007
India - a sad plight?
This is in response to Kuttan G.S's blog and reply by Jagdish Keshav. I could't post in either of their blogs. So here goes.

How can we NOT be ashamed that we were ruled by the British? Of course, it is our fault that we came to such a pass. Unfortunately, our focus in the fight for independence was to get rid of the British and not to strengthen our unity, as should have been the case. Which is why even as the British left, we were partitioned. Much as I acknowledge that Mahatma Gandhi is one of the greatest persons we have known, I think it was his leadership that made India lose her opportunity to be united. If Congress had continued to follow the footsteps of Tilak, things may have been different.

Anyway, the past is past. Let us at least now learn what our sources of true strength are. Let us nurture nationalism.
6:11:44 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Third Front's Presidential drama

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
The Third Front’s attempts to nominate Dr. Kalam as its candidate is pathetic. Dr. Kalam’s nature is so transparent that any child would tell you that he would not want to stand accused of preventing a woman from being the President, as the Congress is sure to charge him if he accedes to the Third Front’s request. The so-called Third Front is a motley crowd of state-centered parties without the cohesion to take on UPA or NDA. Their Presidential drama amply proves it.
3:19:27 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Sangma as President?

Sunday, June 17, 2007
I have a gut feeling that the 3rd Front will nominate P.A. Sangma (former Speaker of Lok Sabha) for the Presidentship, Bhairon Singh Shekhawat will withdraw and there will be one helluva contest.
11:45:36 AM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Friday, June 15, 2007

President of Indians' hearts.

Friday, June 15, 2007
President of Indians' hearts.
This is in response to Shri Krishnan’s blog ‘
Good Bye Dr.Kalam ! - An open letter from a grateful Indian’.

Shri Krishnan’s letter is straight from the heart and it no doubt reflects what millions of Indians feel, as I too feel. I must, however, say that on three occasions I was surprised and even anguished by Dr. Kalam’s decisions (one non-decision!)

One, when in a speech to Parliament during its opening session, he charged BJP with being communal. This is not true because if BJP is communal, he would not have become the President. Even BJP’s first choice, Dr. P.C. Alexander, is not a Hindu. I anyway forgive Dr. Kalam because he was only reading what was written out by the Congress cabinet.

Two, when he rather hurriedly signed the order to dissolve the Bihar assembly. He had innocently placed unmerited faith in Congress government's advice.

Three, when he failed to get the chap Afzal Guru hanged for no less a crime than storming the Parliament with guns and bombs. I nevertheless will not be harsh on Dr. Kalam because maybe legally he had no option but to wait for the Congress government to get back to him on the issue, which the government has not done till today.

But compared to the goodness Dr. Kalam exuded all through his tenure, I would consider the above 3 as aberrations that can be overlooked. I've put it down only for the record.

In him I think we are now going to have a President of Indians’ hearts while a pretender might be on the throne.
8:39:15 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Sonia’s President – thank you for rejecting BJP’s anti-conversion bill?

Friday, June 15, 2007
Pratibha Patil, as Governor of Rajasthan, declined to consent to the BJP Government’s anti-conversion bill. Could it be why she surfaced in Sonia’s mind?
12:15:40 AM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Friday, June 08, 2007

The "Nothing-to-do Man" - a challenge to all activists

Friday, June 8, 2007
The “Nothing-to-do Man” – a challenge to all activists.
I had a few days back posted a blog quoting the “Nothing-to-do Man”’s letter upon retirement. In these days when people feel more restless upon retirement than when they were gainfully employed, he is an odd-man-out. Aren’t we ever trying to do more and more so as to gain more, whether monetary-wise, fame-wise or popularity-wise? But here’s this guy, who is well educated, was in a senior well-paid position in a leading oil-company in the Middle East, well liked by whoever came across him, turning down equally good offers that came to him to continue aboard, moving away from it all for the quietude of a spiritual life, without, of course, absconding from any of his family commitments. How does one live without doing anything?

Since this gentleman is not onto activity of any kind, except talking kindly whenever the philosophy of life is discussed in his presence (and of course, being dutifully of help to his wife in running the household!), we will have to coax him into becoming a blogger. That, I think, would enrich the discourse on this blogsphere.

In an attempt to coax him, I call upon bloggers to write as to whether they feel that in order to be happy, we have to be doing one thing or the other. This, I think, would provide him the ‘ammunition’ to come abroad on this blogsphere and point out the alternative. I assure you, then, we shall hear a voice of a different kind.
4:54:23 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The 'Nothing-to-do' man

Thursday, June 7, 2007
The ‘Nothing-to-do’ man.
[Many years ago, my friend in a foreign country had to leave his job. On that occasion, he had written an open letter to all his colleagues and friends. I revisited his letter after many years and have his permission to share it with the bloggers at NDTV. I may add that it has been over a decade since he left his job and he has very much kept his word. He has not been doing much since, not because he retired with a pile of money, but because he has become free from the trap of doing.]

After a 13½ years long association with . . ., I will be leaving on . . . Working with . . . has been a unique experience. The friendly, informal and down-to-earth interactions with various people have been a source of joy for me throughout my association with the company. It is a culture that I shall cherish wherever I go.

You might be perhaps curious to know as to what I shall do henceforth. Frankly speaking, I will be on a pursuit to drop all pursuits. I have always been asking myself: Why am I doing what I am doing? What is it that I really want? And what is that which is going to eliminate all wants and urges and bring in a state of full contentment and completeness?. This has brought in a process of unwinding in my life and now I remain fully convinced that for fullness - the final home-coming - I have absolutely nothing to do, nothing to know and nothing to seek, as all pursuits are controlled by mental connections, caused by delusion. As Tao says: Sitting silently, the grass grows by itself, the sun shines by itself, the rain falls by itself and the river flows by itself. The entire realm of knowledge is summed up with a simple comment: Do not push the river.

This understanding has emboldened me to live my future life without any ambitions, without any plans, without any schemes and without any fixations - moment to moment in a state of let-go. Thus, being a “mainstream drop-out”, my life is going to be a journey along a different path, or a pathless path.

My address in India will be . . .

If you happen to visit India any time, you are welcome to come and spend a few days with me and have exposure to a different lifestyle. Although I may not be able to offer you the comforts that are available here, I can give you one guarantee – what I have you too will have.
11:58:39 AM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Who is the author of Quran?

Saturday, June 2, 2007
Who is the author of Quran?
The thesis that Quran is authored by Mohammad, popularized in this blogsphere by Infidel, is, from the Hindu point of view (not counting the Hindu view held out of courtesy and respect for others' beliefs) is correct because according to Hinduism, an individual rises to greater understanding through a rise in consciousness and for such a rise he pursues meditation, which is exactly what Mohammad did in the caves of Mount Herat. However, what is unique about Mohammad is that he appears to have had lapses from these higher consciousness, during which period he went to war with all and sundry to spread his religion (which is a surprise because he did not get the whole message of his religion till a period of 23 years – i.e., till the last year of his life - so what religion was he actually fighting for in between?).

We go into ourselves in meditation and discover the higher truths. Those truths written down form scriptures. And the teachings based on such scriptures form religions. Therefore, though the content of the Quran is divine and is from the source of divinity, i.e. Allah, we would not be wrong in saying that the medium of its expression, Mohammad, is its author. The authors of different scriptures being different, the style and history of different scriptures will vary, though the content or essence of all scriptures are the same – insights into the divine. While Mohammad’s insights kept coming over a period of 23 years (being interspersed with Mohammad’s lapses from high consciousness, reflected in the Quran through verses that seem quite Satanic, like the call for murder of non-believers, or sanctifying 4 wives etc.), Sant Janeshwar, for example, completed his scripture Janeshwari by his 15th birthday and never suffered any lapses.

The words of the Quran, therefore, are not Allah’s, maybe not even Mohammad’s but of the companions who transcribed it. Mohammad, being illiterate, did not do any proof-reading.

As to Quran being perfect, with not a comma changed over the last 1,400 years – well, the jury is out on that. Actually, a proper jury has been constituted only after the advent of the internet!
4:10:57 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Infidel Sunday, June 3, 2007 8:12:24 AM
Kudos Venu. You are simply great. Only a person pure at heart like you can write such a blog. Congrats.I quote you:"so what religion was he actually fighting for in between?"He himself didn't know. LOL. On second thought, he was fighting to get power, wealth, sex slaves, revenge to his enemies and to fullfil of his nasty desires.One more time I quote you:"Actually, a proper jury has been constituted only after the advent of the internet! "Very true. Now muslims cannot behead us and they cannot take our wives and children as slaves, because they cannot access us.And don't forget, Internet was invented by infidels, not a single iota of it is mentioned in crap quran. Guess what, the all knowing allah didn't know that infidels like us will rip apart islam over internet. LOL.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Palash Biswas - NDTV's most prolific blogger - unfortunately, somewhat amoral.

Friday, June 1, 2007
Palash Biswas – NDTV’s most prolific blogger – unfortunately, somewhat amoral.
Palash Biswas is undoubtedly our most erudite and prolific blogger. However, I’ve wondered if he can’t be accused of being intellectually amoral. Why does he repeat his blogs many times? The habit is becoming contagious. Other bloggers have begun doing it. But of course, Biswas Saab is away ahead. He now repeats himself 10 times. Is he seeking to hog the limelight?
11:26:23 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized