Sunday, March 4, 2007
Allah has no partners but at least one enemy named Satan.
[This is in response to Mohammad Irshad Hussain's blog "Transforming concept of one God".]
1. Tawaid means that Allah is without partners. Unfortunately, He has at least one enemy – Satan. I feel more comfortable with a God who has partners rather than enemies.
2. Why is Allah calling upon people to worship Him? What does worship mean in Islamic terms? Why does Allah require such a favour from us?
3. You say all men are creatures of one God and that they are therefore all equal. Is this not subject to the condition that all men convert to Islam?
4. You mention that there are no discriminations based on color, class, race, or territory but you omit to mention that there is no discrimination based on religion in Islam. Is this not a dead giveaway of your “my religion only true religion” stand?
5. You say that humanity is one single family. Do I, a Hindu, also belong to that family? Hinduism’s ‘Vasudeva Kutumbakam’ includes the Muslims too as members of one family.
6. You are in error in saying that man is God’s deputy on earth. No partners, remember? Slaves are not partners, though.
7. You talk about a new order based on what is in the Quran, including Shariat. It calls for death to the idolater and apostate. I vote to have a newer order!
9:08:44 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Transforming Concept of One God
We find that the universe is like a superbly written, fascinating book - can it be without an author?
Transforming Concept of One God
Tawhid is a transforming concept that constitutes the essence of the teachings of Islam. It means that there is only one supreme Lord of the universe. He is omnipotent, omnipresent and the sustainer of the world and of mankind. Now can one observe the inexhaustible creativity of nature, its purposefulness, its preservation of that which is morally useful and destruction of that which is socially injurious, and yet fail to draw the conclusion that behind nature there is an all-pervading mind of whose incessant creative activity the processes of nature are but outward manifestations? The stars scattered through infinite space, the vast panorama of nature with its charm and beauty, the regular waxing and waning of the moon, the astonishing harmony of the seasons - all of these point towards one fact: there is a God. We witness a superbly flawless plan in the universe - can it be without a planner? We see great enchanting beauty and harmony in its working can they be without a creator? We observe wonderful design in nature can't be without a designer? We feel a lofty purpose in physical and human existence - can it be without a will working behind it? We find that the universe is like a superbly written, fascinating book - can it be without an author? Truly, God said: O, Mankind: worship your Lord, Who created you and those before you, so that you may ward off evil; Who has made the earth a resting place for you, the sky a canopy and Who causes water to pour down from the heavens, thereby producing fruits as food for you. So do not set up rivals to God, when you know better. (Quran 2:21-22) This is the basic tenet to which Muhammad asked humanity to adhere. It is an important metaphysical concept and answers the riddles of the universe. It points to the supremacy of law in the cosmos and the all-pervading unity behind the manifest diversity. It presents a unified view of the world and offers the vision of an integrated universe. It is a mighty contrast to the piecemeal views of the scientists and the philosophers and unveils the truth before the human eye. After centuries of groping in the dark, man is now coming to realize the truth of this concept, and modern scientific thought is moving in this direction. But it is not merely a metaphysical concept: it is a dynamic belief and a revolutionary doctrine. It means that all men are the creatures of one God and that they are therefore all equal. Any discrimination based on color, class, race, or territory is unfounded and illusory. It is a remnant of the days of ignorance that chained men down to servitude. Humanity is one single family under God, and there can be no sanction for those barriers. Men are one - and not bourgeois or proletarian, white or black, Aryan or non-Aryan, westerner or easterner. Islam gives us a revolutionary concept of the unity of mankind. The Prophet came to unite humanity on the word of God, which says: Cling firmly together by means of God's rope, and do not be divided. Remember God's favor towards you when you were enemies; He united your hearts so that you became brothers because of His favor. (Quran 3:103) This concept also defines the true position of man in the universe. It says that God is the Creator and the Sovereign, while man is His vicegerent on the earth. This exalts man to the noble and dignified position of being God's deputy on earth and endows his life with a lofty purpose: to fulfill the will of God on earth. This will solve all the perplexing problems of human society and establish a new order wherein equity and justice, as well as peace and prosperity, will reign supreme. The starting point of Islam is the belief in the oneness of God (tawhid).
6:43:59 PM
Posted By Mohammed Irshad Hussain Comments (2) Society
Infidel Sunday, March 4, 2007 9:29:04 PM
Great reply Venu. I admire.1)No partener for god!! LOL.In crap quran, allah (read mo) forgot this and mentioned "WE" for himself. Who are they? Allah didn't know that he should use "I". He also used HE and ALLAH, THEY in quran for himself. Sufficient to prove that quran was wrote by pedo MO.2)Allah is so arrogant and egoistic that whoever refuses islam, he prders to kill him, and moreover his anger doesn't go away by that, he will burn them in hellfire for eternity. What a pathetic god allah is!!
Infidel Sunday, March 4, 2007 9:40:39 PM
5) This is a lie. Ummah is one family not humanity as per islam. So no question of infidels to be a part of that family. They are the worst enemies of muslims.6)In islam, all muslims are slaves of allah (actually of pedo MO). Allah is MO's alter ego. What a shame for muslims to worship pedophile MO. Remember PBUH all the times.7)New order is actually 7th century barbarism. Islam doesn't allow civilised world, democracy, secularism, freedom and advancement. Everything is in comic book quran. Why you should go beyond it, it's allah last word. He forgot to speak after crap quran. LOL
Infidel Sunday, March 4, 2007 9:48:47 PM
3) If all men (what about women) are creature of one god, why he has to punish them, if they use their brain? As per islam, before birth god already decided that who will be muslim and who will be infidel. Also he already decided that whether an infidel will convert to islam or not. It is allah sole decision and nobody has any interference in that. So allah punishes infidels for his own decision, how rediculous!!4)There is a discrimination in islam, venu. Believer and nonbelievers. Later are the worst creatures and should be killed in this life and should burn in hellfire for etrnity. What a shameful cult islam is!!
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