Monday, December 11, 2006

Mahatma Gandhi

[My comment in Haindava Keralam yahoogroup.
Dear Dr. S. Sharma,

You are talking of the destruction of Congress Party of India as being essential in order to eradicate Gandhian mentality. You must be joking because the Congress of today has nothing to do with Gandhian mentality. The problem with the Congress is that it is given to Muslim appeasement and corruption. Mahatma Gandhi however believed in and lived certain ideals which were very much ahead of his time, though he was inspired by ancient teachings. If John Stuart Mills talks of fighting for what one wants, Vedanta talks of getting rid of the wants itself, what to say of fighting. Krishna may have advised Arjuna to fight, but remember it was a fight against adharma, not for measly wants. That way, Gandhiji too fought, did he not? He could have quietly continued his practice in South Africa and returned to India a very rich man and led a comfortable retired life. But he took up a fight on Dharmic lines.


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