Thursday, December 28, 2006
Dr. Manmohan Singh misleading the nation
Dr. Manmohan Singh, in proclaiming that Muslims must have the first claim on resources for development, is misleading the nation by suggesting that Governmental economic endeavours can be community specific. When members of both minority and majority communities live cheek by jowl in almost all regions of India (except maybe ethnically cleansed Kashmir Valley), how is the Government going to isolate the majority community and reach development resources only to the minority community? The truth is that economic development, by way of investment in infrastructure or production projects can only be region specific. Unless of course Dr. Manmohan Singh meant that he is going to take from development resources and line the pockets of individual members of the Muslim community.
In making such proclamations, Dr. Manmohan Singh is donning the mantle of Mohammad Ali Jinnah.
11:02:22 AM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (2) Politics
Peeyush Verma Thursday, December 28, 2006 1:00:20 PM
It certainly redicule the nation. Pacification has become the major platform of the politicians. National intrest has become meaningless. In the case of reservation all political parties played to their tune. Only GOD knows who are the ultimate beneficiaries. The question is, how long these politician will remain our saviour.
das kapital Thursday, December 28, 2006 3:44:08 PM
ethnically cleansed Kashmir valley and GUJARAT! except these 2 states people live cheek by jowl!