Friday, October 27, 2006

Dear Ramhyd, Vedanta is not self-defeatist - it is self-victorious

Saturday, October 28, 2006
Dear Ramhyd, Vedanta is not self-defeatist - it is self-victorious
Dear Ramhyd,

Let God and man be different, let man be God or God be man, let there be one God or uncountable number of Gods, let God be whatever or let there be no God. You and I exist, don't we? And we have at least this lifetime to live, however long or short. The question is, how do we live our life without suffering, at least beyond a tolerable point? (The only thing that is certain and common to all beings is that no one wants to or can suffer beyond a point.) One answer is to amass money. For many, faith in God is a great hope.

When Vedanta says that you are God, it is simply saying that if we pause and consider, consider deeply, then we will come to the realization that we are incapable of suffering. Because we are not really the limited physical body with its emotions, intellect etc., but we are something beyond. When we understand this, we begin to be more and more in a state of awareness. This is a divine experience, a Godly experience. In the fulness of time, in this lifetime or after many down the line, all duality ceases. We become the God we have once been worshiping in a state of duality and ignorance.

How do you call such a teaching self defeatist, escapist and warn it will lead man to further ignominy?
12:27:56 AM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

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