Saturday, April 21, 2007

Reject mercy petition and hang Afzal

Saturday, April 21, 2007
There are a large number of people who would be happy if President Kalam agrees for a second term as President and continues, including me. However, I wonder why he has left unresolved the case of Afzal Guru. I understand that the Courts have rejected Afzal’s appeals and the issue is back in the hands of our ‘Muslims first’ Government. Why is the government sitting on the file? The President should query the Government. The President should demit his first term with the distinction that he did not shy from putting the terrorist where he belongs - in the noose.
2:16:13 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Monday, April 16, 2007

A chart of Hindu-Muslim differences

Monday, April 16, 2007
A chart of Hindu-Muslim differences.
[This cut and paste business is somewhat uncreative but these days I seem to be suffering from writer's block. In any case, I thought the following comparison of Hinduism and Islam, though somewhat simplistic, is amusing. Let our differences thrive, but let not our differences lead to separation.]
Hindu-Muslim orthodoxy (some) Differences4/13/2007 9:20:20 AM Jinn-Gabriel
The following are some of the basic differences between Hindus and Muslims, in customs and approaches in life, which can be apparently noticed by anyone:
Orthodox Hindus
Orthodox Muslims
1. Sun is worshipped because it is the SOURCE of all lives.
Moon is very important even though it is a reflector of Sun
2. Worship - facing East – Toward the direction of Sun.
Worship - facing West - towards the direction of Mecca / Arabia
3. Cow is very sacred
Cow should be slaughtered and eaten
4. Tuft at the back of the head
Growing hair on the chin, exactly in opposite direction of tuft of Hindus
5. Mustache on the upper lip
Shave it clean there, grow it in the chin & sides of face.
6. Marriage between the fathers’ related of-springs is strictly prohibited because Paternal gene is the same, i.e. considered as brothers and sisters. Hindus accept maternal-side marriages because Maternal gene is different from Paternal gene.
Marriage between the father’s related of-springs is highly recommended and Hindu’s acceptance of Maternal side marriages is prohibited.
Ref: Sahih Bukhari Volume 007, Book 062, Number 037-- Sahih Bukhari Volume 007, Book 062, Number 038
7. “LokA: samastA: sukhino bhavanthu, samastha san mangalAni santhu” this “Let the whole world be happy & well and let everyone in the world get all the good & auspicious things of life” is the usual benediction to everyone irrespective of belonging to any religion
If you do not accept and say aloud “ YA illallAh ir rahmAn ir rahEEm – Allah Hu Akbar” i.e. there is no God other than AllAh, Allah is Great – then, you are a Kafir and so fit to be killed by Muslims.
Ref: Quran: 8-39; 8-65; 9-05; 9-14; 9-29; 9-112; (only a very few given here)

8. There is nothing called ‘Jihad’ - a religious war
Jihad is nothing but an inducement to murder and plunder non-Muslims, for, their only crime of not believing in Allah, and his messenger Mahamood bin Abdullah as apostle. So, Islamic Jihad is a Perpetual Declaration of War on Non-Muslims or non-believers: Ref: 2:193-246; 4:75-76-84; 8:13 to 17-39-60-65-69; 9:05-14-29-112; 47:04; and Hadiths - Bukhari: V4B53N386; Bukhari: V4B53N386; Muslim:C9B1N31; Muslim: C9B1N33; Tabari IX:69; Ishaq:324 to 326; Ishaq:578;
9. Each Hindu eats in separate Plate or washed-Leaf and eating in one biggest Common Plate with lots of people sitting around it, is considered as “ashudh”, i.e. unclean.
It is considered very important that they eat together only in one biggest Common Plate on important occasions.
10. Hindus do not believe in destroying other religion and especially places of Worship of other religions, and it is stated that they had to resort to destroying Babri Masjid recently (- as reprisal / or reclaiming their own place to build Ram’s Temple at Ayodhya. Proof is also stated to exist. The matter is in the court. If you trace history, the Hindu kings welcomed and helped people of other religions of the world to build their places of worship, be it Muslims, Zorastrians, Jews, to name a few.
Hindu religion is never forced on anyone at any time.
As a matter of policy, Muslims kings had always built their masjids, exactly in the places of worship of other religions only by destroying them in arrogance and to prevail their complete dominance over the local people. Their religion is also forced upon others by all means.

11. ‘Punarapi jananam and punarapi maranam’ is basic approach to life, i.e. faith in birth & rebirth cycle according to good or bad deeds of previous births.

AllAh will settle all the accounts of reward or punishment on the Judgement day at the end of one’s life itself.

12. ‘Ek patni vrat’ i.e. one wife for every man is the ways o life for Hindu Orthodoxy.
A Muslim male can have conjugal felicity with four females at a time as wives besides concubines (slave women) too

13. Hindus do not circumcise for men and women. Later on some Hindus might have taken to this due to modern medical advice. Circumcising amongst Hindu- women is non- existent.
But it is a very important religious necessity as per the Islamic rituals for men especially, but the purpose of Circumcising of women in many parts of the world especially in Arabia and Africa, is too explicit to express. But it can be said that it is very disgusting & atrociously selfish on the part of men / women there.

14. Females dress normally in colourful sarees if the Husband is alive. Normally Hindu widows wear white sarees. In some parts of India, Hindu women cover their heads with Palloo, when they pray to God or as respect to elders around.

Men & Women can pray and eat together. There are no restrictions whatsoever.
Females (as per orthodox Islamic custom) are not only not allowed to dress in bright colours but are supposed to cover their entire body i.e. Nijab (covering the entire body except a cloth-mesh for the eye for their sight. Or at least Hijab i.e. covering the all parts of body except face, i.e. covering their heads with the headscarf.
Muslims it seems fear that the entire part of women’s body (irrespective of relationships) will kindle carnal / base feeling among on all males around, hence women are made to cover either by Nijab or Hijab.
Men & women should never pray / eat together.
15. Hindus normally wash from fore-arms to finger-tips i.e., top down direction
Muslims wash their hands from hands first and then the fore-arms i.e., bottom up direction
16. Normally Hindus are vegetarians. But there are non-vegetarian Hindus too. Some non-vegetarian Hindus tolerate pork eating.
Anything in the name of Pork / Pig is a taboo or prohibited. But there are vegetarian Muslims, and these are a few or rare.
17. Playing Chess is encouraged, as it is an intellectual game, of strategy, like fast thinking, looking back and looking forward in life etc.,
Playing chess is completely prohibited, as per Sahih Muslim Book 028, Number 5612 and Malik’s Muwatta Book 52, Number 52.2.7; MUSLIM VOL IV – No. 5612 – Chapter: CMXLVI
18. Playing on Musical Instruments is not prohibited
It is prohibited a per Sahih Bukhari Volume 007, Book 069, Number 494 ----Sahih Muslim Book 024, Number 5279
19. Drawing Pictures and images are look-up as piece of Art and appreciated.
It is prohibited: ref: Sahih Bukhari Volume 003, Book 034, Number 428 --- Sunan Abu Dawud Book 001, Number 0227, Book 032, Number 4140 – Book 027, Number 3746 --

20.Tattooing is not prohibited

It is prohibited: ref: Sahih Bukhari Volume 003, Book 034, Number 299; Sahih Bukhari Volume 003, Book 034, Number 440; Sahih Bukhari Volume 007, Book 072, Number 829, Sahih Bukhari Volume 007, Book 072, Number 845

21. Hindus always obey the law of the Land to whichever country they belong to – Uphold and strictly obey the Constitution of the Land
Muslims want their Shariat Law according to Quran, Hadith (traditions of Mahamood) and Sunnah (Biography of Mahamood) as if it is to be universally accepted -- even if Muslims life in many countries. (One Shariat Law for the entire world)
NOTE: In short, Muslims are supposed to do all the things, which are opposed to Hindu Orthodox customs.
In the world, Islam (20%) is opposed to (80%) all others: [Theologically, Religiously, domestically, constitutionally, Scripturally, Geographically, Socially, Politically, Domestically, Intellectually, Philosophically and Spiritually.]
6:06:04 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Friday, April 06, 2007

Book on Islam banned, author's house raided in Mumbai

Saturday, April 7, 2007
Book on Islam banned, author's house raided in Mumbai
[I chanced upon the following news item. I've always wondered why our secular Congress governments are more loyal than the king when it comes to Muslim sentiments.]
Book on Islam banned, author's house raided in Mumbai4/6/2007 5:50:49 AM Hindu VoiceMumbai, 6th April 2007: Mr. R.V. Bhasin, Advocate, Supreme Court and a former Air Force Officer, has authored many books on Islam and Hinduism. The Government of Maharashtra has recently banned one of his books titled "ISLAM - A Concept of Political World Invasion by Muslims". Yesterday (5th April 2007), police raided his residence at Colaba and have confiscated about 1000 copies of the book which was published in English and Hindi. The raid was conducted by the Marine Drive Police Station and lasted for nearly four hours, from 11.00 am till 3.00 p.m, when Mr. Bhasin was away attending some court cases. In an interview to Hindu Voice correspondent, Mr. Bhasin said that he is happy that he has been exalted to the position of Salman Rushide and Taslima Nasreen, by the Maharashtra Government. He, a Supreme Court Lawyer himself, is determined to fight it out in the court of law. Mr. Bhasin informed that he will be moving the High Court in Mumbai within a day or two, praying for returning of his books. The police raid and the subsequent confiscation of his books are a gross violation of his fundamental rights, he said. Whether we live in a free and democratic country, Mr. Bhasin wonders.
12:17:52 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

The Divine, the Sinner and the Slave

Saturday, April 7, 2007
The Divine, the Sinner and the Slave.
Hinduism primarily teaches that man is divine; Christianity teaches that man is a sinner and Islam teaches that man is a slave to Allah. As a consequence, Hinduism is all about the expressions of the divine whereas Christianity is about saving mankind from being the sinners they have been proclaimed to be (if you want to be saved, of course, there is a ransom to be paid and that ransom is believing in Jesus – since ransom is what mercenaries ask for, we could safely say that the missionary folks are a mercenary lot). Islam, in seeking slaves for Allah, brooks no questioning and hence the hallmark of Islam is intolerance.

As the goal, so the reality.
10:31:05 AM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

Abraham Saturday, April 7, 2007 1:11:04 PM
Hindus are descendants of deities who had divine qualities. Jesus came into the picture when humans including hindus started committing sins, so it is but natural for Jesus to talk of sinners. Islam correctly talks about humans to be slaves of Allah. You have to elevate your comprehension capabilities Mr. Venu. Allah is the same God that your Hinduism refers to by differnent names like Shiva, Vishnu etc. Being a slave doesn't connote the same as between human and human, a feature of medieval times. It is similar to what your Hinduism talks about Meera and Shree Krishna, i.e. when Meera becomes totally devoted to Krishna. Of course, you are one going around saying that you are yourself God, so these things cannot sit in your intellect.
K.Venugopal Saturday, April 7, 2007 2:18:05 PM
Dear Abraham,You could be a wee bit off on Christian theology. Man started ‘committing sin’ right from Adam onwards. Therefore Jesus came into the picture a long long time later. Jesus died on the cross to off-load everyone’s sin. Then came the Church and started broadcasting that all are sinners, which is not possible because Jesus died on the cross for our sins. The Church thus became the middleman asking for the commission of your “believe” (membership of the Club) if you are to be relieved of your sins. Meera’s relationship with Sri Krishna was love based on bhakthi, wherein the devotee merged into the devotion. Such a concept in unthinkable in Islam (apart from Sufism). Islam’s is truly a master-slave relationship with oneness in the relationship not possible. You are right, Shiva, Vishnu, God, Allah – all refer to the same phenomenon of divinity which is what we are in truth, though not often in reality. Have you missed the teaching of Advaita? Comprehension is called for, Abraham.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Useless science of the Quran and useful science of the Vedas

Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Useless science of the Quran and useful science of the Vedas.
Ajmal Rashid has been posting some articles on the scientific temper of the Quran. I wonder what exactly he is trying to prove. That the Quran spoke scientifically in an age considered unscientific? Why then did not the Quran generate scientists but had to wait for over 1000 years to prove itself - and that too by reading into a scientific culture that is not nurtured by Muslims?

In short, the science in the Quran had no use for the Muslims, unlike the Vedas, the science of which have given rise to, for example, Ayurveda, which was useful then as now and it never needed a foreign science to prove itself.
9:40:35 PM
Posted By Venu Gopal Comments (0) Uncategorized

amardeep_mlaysia Tuesday, April 3, 2007 10:05:18 PM
Hey Venu, What rubbish!U raised good point but spoilt it by giving the example of Ayurveda.
K.Venugopal Tuesday, April 3, 2007 10:36:20 PM
Dear Amardeep, When you concede that I have raised a good point, where does the rubbish come in? Isn't Ayurveda science and isn't it a product of the Vedas?